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This is gonna be a short one, it's cute though ☺️

I was sitting in the living room, reading up on some pregnancy stuff. I was 6 months pregnant with me and my husband Sammys baby.

I couldn't take it any longer so I asked the doctor what the gender was. I'm pretty sure Sam will be happy with the results...

Sammy was just getting back from a show and he texted that he would be home in 2 hours. I was feeling pretty cuddly tonight, so he needs to hurry!

I went up to bed since it was 10:30. I climbed into bed and I tried to get as comfortable as possible, and reached as good as I was gonna get. The baby was kicking, and I just wish Sam could experience his child moving around.

I was almost asleep when I heard my bedroom door open, "hey momma" I felt Sammys smooth voice come over me. "Babe, I thought you weren't supposed to be home for a while?!" I said excitedly, rolling to see his face.

"I lied" he said smiling, leaning down to kiss me. "How's my little cutie" Sam said lying next to my stomach. "Do you wanna know what it is?" I said running my fingers through Sammys messy hair.

"You found out?" He said looking up at me with bright eyes. "Yes, do you wanna know?" I said giggling. "Tell me baby!" He replied. "Let's just say, your gonna have someone to teach how to play basketball" I said excitedly.

Sams eyes lit up and he got a big smile on his face. He lent down to my belly and started talking. "I'm so glad your a boy! We're gonna be best friends buddy. I love you so much already and can't wait to meet you." He said with tears in his eyes.

Sam placed his hands on my stomach and in that moment, our son kicked. His eyes were so full of excitement, and he had the biggest smile anyone could have. " I love you boys" I said placing my hand on Sams.

Love yall 💕

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