Johnson (Request)

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The beautiful Alyssa requested this💗🌹

[Alyssa's POV]

"Damn I miss Jack" I said to myself and I stripped down to my bra and underwear. My boyfriend and his best friend were on tour, and they left about a month ago. I missed everything about him, his cuddles, his messy blonde hair, his giggle, his eyes, his soothing voice, just everything about him. And to make matters worse, I needed him in other aspects too....doing it myself just isn't working anymore to be honest.

It was about 10 at night, and Jack was in a time zone an hour ahead of mine. So I figured I'd give him a call. I laid on my bed, and dialed Jacks number, and waited for him to answer. Not even a full ring, I heard the beautiful tone of hello from his voice. "Holy fuck jack I miss you.!" I squealed from excitement. "I know I miss you to my love" jack replied.

"I don't know how much longer I can go jack...I reaallyy miss you" I said seductively. "Oh, so that's why you called baby?" Jack questioned playfully jealous. "Yea but I also wanted to hear your sexy voice babe" I said trailing my hands down to my silky panties. "Good, because the feeling is mutual" jack said into the phone. "I'm wearing your favorites...." I said referring to my matching bra and panty set.

"Mmm I wanna see" jack hummed. "Hold on" I said excitedly, unfortunately my facetime doesn't work, or you know what we'd be doing. I set my phone on speaker, and snapped a pic of myself in my cute lingerie, and sent it to jack. "What do I get" I said scrolling through some of the pictures Jack had sent me. "Well now that I see this..." Jack groaned, probably at my picture, "there ya go" he said a few seconds later.

I went to my messages and saw Jack had sent me a picture of his bulge in his sweatpants. "Mmm jaack" I moaned touching myself through my panties. "Do you want me to talk dirty to you Alyssa.?" Jack growled through the phone. "Can you" I demanded. "Of course babe, everyone went out and I didn't want to because I knew you would call me" jack said, as I heard his mouth form into the shape of a smile.

"Your the sweetest" I trailed off shortly as I ran my hand down my exposed stomach, teasing myself through the lace material of my panties and feeling how wet I was. "Fuck, I just need your hands on me. You have no idea how badly I need you to touch me Jack." I moaned into the speaker as I rubbed myself a bit harder.

He was silent on the other end of the phone. I knew he was probably still half asleep, but we'd done this before. We'd had phone sex numerous times due to the length of time we spent away from each other. "I want to touch you, too. I miss you so fucking much." I needed a release. I was throbbing, and as I cupped my core through my panties. I felt the tiny bud of my clit begging to be touched.

"Tell me what you'd do, Jack. Tell me what you'd do to me if you were here." I heard him groan and then more shuffling, and I was almost positive he was sitting up a bit more, trying to get comfortable. "I'd tease you, and build you up until you're begging for it. But you know what I'd do, don't you princess? You know I'd tease your thighs first, and then your hips. You know I'd kiss your belly and then dip my tongue into your soaked panties, don't you?"

My pulse was already erratic, just at the image of him between my legs. I started rubbing myself through the lace again and let out a soft moan. "Yees, fuuck Jack."
"Do everything I would do. Can you do that for me, baby?" Jack grumbled through the phone. "Mmmmm, yes." I heard more shuffling and then a quiet groan, and it almost had me coming right then and there. I knew he was rock hard at this point, I didn't even have to ask. I knew he was stroking his hard length just the way I would.

"Rub your clit, just the way I do. Can you imagine me? Can you imagine me slowly circling your clit with my thumb, making you moan out? Moan for me, baby."
I did as he said. I slipped my hand into my panties, and rubbed small circles over my clit, moaning immediately at the contact. "Ugh...jaack. K-keep going." I whimpered. "You want more, Alyssa?"

I bucked my hips against my hand and bit down hard on my bottom lip, nodding my head as if he could see me. I let out another moan as I rubbed myself harder and faster.
"Imagine my fingers. I know how much you love my fingers baby. Use your fingers like I use mine. One at a time, curling them up to hit your sweet spot and make you scream."

I wasted no time as I inserted a single finger into myself and pumped, closing my eyes and parting my lips and letting out heavy breaths. I pushed another finger into my wet heat and pumped hard and fast, just the way he would when he was determined to reach my release.

"Fuck, Jaackk! oh god!" I moaned and I heard him groan in the midst of his panting and knew he was close, too. "Ugh, shit. Imagine my lips around you jaack. Imagine me sucking you off. I know that's what makes you cum, are you doing it now?"

All I heard was the sound of his breathing before a long, outstretched moan left his lips. I threw my head back and lifted my hips off the mattress, meeting my fingers and pumping my hand as fast as I could. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Jaack!"
"God, babe, I wish you were here. Ugh, I'm gonna fuck you s-senseless when I see you." He groaned out. "I'm close. Oh shit, I'm so close baby!"

All it took was one more pump of my fingers and my whole body was tensing as I came. I screamed out Jacks name, mixed into the my cries, and right after he'd heard my name he was cursing repeatedly. I imagined the sight of his hand, gripping his solid length as he came all over his stomach and hand.

The sound of our breathing mingled together as we both recovered from our orgasms. A lazy smile stretched across my face as I pictured him lying and panting the same way I was.

"Ugh...lyss I love you." I heard him mumble and my smile widened.
"I love you, jackers." I turned on my side and pulled the covers up over my shoulder. "Do you still have my necklace on?" Jack said. I took the small pendant in my fingers and looked down at it. "I never take it off." I said quietly.

"I'll be home soon, I promise. I miss you so much it hurts, love." He said, and I knew he meant it. "I know, I miss you too." I sighed sadly. "You'll call me tomorrow?" Jack said hopeful "Of course. I love you, baby." I smiled and replayed that line in my head until I drifted to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed it Alyssa💋💦This one was fun to write☺️ love yall and stay beautiful💐

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