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Literally my favorite Johnson picture ever 💎 Like for real I'd fuck him so hard if I saw him on the street in this outfit. Everything is so perfect, like the sex hair, the hoodie, the dark jeans, just ughhh💦💦💦💦

\\okay so I put that pic up there and something close to this caption on my fan acc. On insta and the fucking blonde bitch liked it!🙌🏼💙//

|Y/n's POV|

Holy fuck, such a long damn day! All I wanted was to be with Jack and just cuddle him, and snuggle up to him, maybe relive some stress with him ya know what I'm sayin....but all I know is, I wanted my blonde baby boy waiting for me when I got home.

It is finals week at my college, which is thankfully only 30 miles away, that's why I've been so stressed. I walked into the door of Jack and I's house, and kicked my shoes off and looked around the living room for jack.

"JAACK EDWARD" I yelled seductively throughout the house. I went in the kitchen and saw a note laying on the counter.

Went to the studio for a while. I'll be home round 4:30 to take care of you my beautiful princess. Love you baby
~Jack ❤️

Great, all I wanted was Jack when I got home, and now I have to wait another hour. Fuck it, I'm just gonna take care of myself, I can't wait. I went up to me and jacks room, and took my jeans off. I also took my top off, just to admire myself, something I didn't do very often.

I laid back on the bed, and caressed my body like Jack would. I then slowly moved my hand down to my silky panties, and gently pressed my fingers against the material. I then slipped my hand inside my panties, and began toying with my clit.

I softly moaned to myself, and then slipped my finger inside of my slit. I pulled my finger in and out of myself, moaning jacks name as if he was doing this. I heard a slight sound, but I ignored it because I was in such a daze.

I thought of running my fingers through Jacks hair, and him groaning against me, and neared closer and closer to my orgasm.

\\Jacks POV//

I finally get to go home after a couple hours at the studio. I knew y/n was stressed, and I wanted to do everything I could to help her out. I went Into the house and saw y/n's stuff laying around. I felt bad for having to leave her alone for a bit, but my fans are important to me too. (Seems like jack ☺️💙)

I went upstairs and heard y/n's moans. I got a little scared, what if I'm not enough...what if she's cheating...what if this is her way of breaking up with me?! I hesitantly walked up to our door, and peeked into the cracked door.

I was worried for nothing, because she was just taking care of herself.! I got slightly turned on, because I didn't know y/n even did this, and she was moaning my name. I bit my lip and determined my next move carefully. Her eyes were closed tightly, I didn't want to interrupt her, but I just couldn't contain myself.

|Y/n's POV|

I was in my daze, getting closer and closer by the second. Then I heard a familiar moan come from behind the door. I sat myself up, and blushed red when I realized who it was. "Jack?" I questioned hiding my nervous smirk. He walked in and bit down on his lips clamming up.

"Babe?" He said smirking. "What are you doing?" I said with a nervous smile, looking down. "What are you doing? Don't get me wrong y/n it's sexy as hell, but I didn't know you did stuff like this" jack said coming over to me and sitting on the bed, tickling my thighs.

"I-I couldn't wait for you any longer" I stuttered as he reached his hand closer to where I needed him most. "The wait is over my princess" jack said seductively, rushing up to me to meet our lips. Jack bit down on my lip, as he pulled away to kiss down my body. He pulled my body up to his, to lay me down where I was before.

He left love bites every now and then, and I let my moans run freely out of my mouth as he sucked my skin so delicately. Jack hooked my panties around his fingers and pulled them down fairly quickly. "Excited are we Jack Edward?" I asked in a sexy tone, biting my finger waiting for his next move. "Just want to take care of my princess" he growled from between my thighs.

That instantly got me more turned on then before, and Jack could tell. "I just wanna let my love relax, I want my baby girl to be loved right, I want my kitten to feel good" jack kept repeating sweet things in the sexiest tone possible. I moaned in agony, and waited for the pleasure Jack was about to give me.

Just as I was expecting, I felt jacks tongue lick up my wetness. He slowly licked my core and hit my sensitive areas perfectly. "Fuck...Jack" I moaned into the hot air. He slipped a finger inside of me, and I twisted around at the feeling of pleasure. "You gotta be still for me kitten" Jack said to me. I just nodded to him and smirked as he continued.

He pumped another finger into me, and kept a good pace while I was a moaning mess. I reached my peak while Jack watched me come undone. "Don't stooopp Jaack!" I yelled into the quiet room. I reached my orgasm and in the middle of catching my breath, Jack had came up and kissed me passionately. I'm so glad he's finally home 😉

I hope you liked this my loves 🍦 So today was my first day of sophomore year and it was good in case you were wondering 🍥 Thank you all for being so amazing on voting and reading every time i update 💜 I love you, and stay beautiful 🎀

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