Johnson (Request)

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This one was requested by Alina💍💕

{Alina's POV}

It feels so nice to finally be called Alina Johnson! My husband Jack and I got married yesterday, and it was perfect. I had the most perfect dresses, flowers, hair, husband, just everything. Jack and I didn't want to do anything last night because we were both exhausted, so I was excited for tonight...

Jack was laying in bed, facetiming Gilinsky. So I decided I was gonna get myself all ready, for a special night with my husband. I snuck into our room, hoping Jack didn't notice me too much. I snuck my black lacy lingerie out of the drawer and went into the bathroom, and set it on the sink.

Then I went and grabbed my black heels in the hall way, and then thought of something else...Jack told me the other day it turns him on when I wear his snapbacks. So I grabbed his black one that was sitting on the couch, and took it into the bathroom with me.

I got into everything, put my shoes on, and the snapback, and made my makeup a little more dramatic. After I was satisfied with my appearance, I was ready to approach Jack. I exited the bathroom, and strutted to our room. Jack must've heard my heels clicking, because he was already looking at the door when I walked in.

Being a tease, I just walked over and checked my phone. I saw Jack watching my every move. I then looked into the vanity mirror and checked myself out, posing to add effect of course. I then heard Gilinsky saying Jacks name over and over, trying to get his attention, but he was too focused on me.

I walked over on the side of the bed Jack was on, and grabbed his phone out of his hands. His eyes were still locked on me, and jaw dropped. "Hey G, Jack has to go...he'll call you tomorrow" I said hanging up the video call.

"Babe, you look....ughh" Jack said moaning at the sight, rubbing himself through his sweatpants. " you want me to help you?" I questioned, prowling onto the bed. "It'd be nice" Jack said pulling me down to him, to kiss me. He pressed his soft lips against mine, and it quickly got heated.

Jack started kissing my neck, and I ran my hand down his body, down to his perked length. "Mmm fuck baby, I need you now" Jack moaned, looking at me. I moved myself down to his lower body, and he ripped his shirt off while I pulled his pants and boxers off.

I went to take the SnapBack off of my head, but Jack stopped me "leave it on baby, you look so fucking sexy in it" He said throwing his shirt away from the bed. I smirked, and bent my head down to meet his throbbing member. I licked off the precum, and then began taking him slowly into my mouth.

"Please don't tease baby girl" Jack whined at my slow pace. I looked up at him, and he was biting his lip in anticipation. So I decided to just give him what he wanted, "Mmm..yeees..just like that" Jack said moaning as I sucked.

I swirled my tongue around the tip, hearing him go crazy. "Ahh fuck yeea" he groaned as I tried fitting all of him in my mouth. I looked up at Jack and he looked at me and moaned, turning me on more and more.

"Faster baby..ughhh yea" he groaned. I sped up like he said to, "don't stop baby...I'm gonna cum" Jack moaned before I felt him release into my mouth. I swallowed his cum, and he pushed me over when I went to kiss him.

"I just wanna taste you baby" Jack said kissing down my body. He pulled my panties down and threw my heels off, "Jack Edward, those are expensive" I giggled. "I'll buy you new ones baby girl I just want you" he said in a serious tone.

Then Jack kissed my inner thighs, and then inserted his tongue slowly inside me. I moaned at the feeling. He ran his hands up and down my torso, sending his tongue in and out of me. "Ooohh...fuuck" I moaned as Jack flicked his tongue on every sensitive spot he could, trying to get me to my high. He continuously hit the right parts of me, before I finally came.

I was in the middle of catching my breath from my orgasm, when Jack came up and kissed me deeply. "Now let me make you feel amazing with me baby girl" Jack said smirking.

I hope you liked it Alina😘💍SO THIS SEXY MOTHERFUCKER PIERCED HIS EARS AND MADE ME ORGASM BY DOING SO! Like fuuck, you do that and look sexy as hell in the California video like mmmmmm. Okay I'm done hahah love yall and stay beautiful 💙🌸

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