Sammy & Nate (Request)

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Would you just look at the sexiness going on in that picture...mmm💦💦

This one was requested by the beautiful Marilyn🎉🎀

{Marilyn's POV}

Well this is the craziest birthday ever! Might have something to do with the fact that it's my 21, and I'm out with all my friends. But my best friends, Nate and Sammy, are pushing me to drink even more with them! We were at one of the smaller clubs in the city, but there were still quite a few people.

I had my own section with my friends, and we were having the best time. We were all hammered, and decided to go dance. Then Sammy wanted to dance, and a good ass song came on. I of course, started grinding up on him.

I heard Sammy groaning behind me, from me pushing myself onto him. Not to mention I looked cute as fuck in my pink leopard crop top, ripped jeans, pink heels, and snapback. We were grinding onto each other, and I started to get turned on by having Sam's hands all over me.

"Wanna take this somewhere?" Sam said into my ear. He ran his hand down my hip, to my inner thigh, barely touching my aching core. "You fucking know it Wilkinson" I slurred. Sam grabbed my hand, and led me to one of the dressing rooms that weren't being used, until now. They were usually used for the acts that came to perform at the club.

He pushed me against the door to close it, and began kissing me roughly. I ran my hand down to his jeans, and unbuttoned and unzipped them. Then Sam pushed my hands away, "no baby, it's your birthday. Let me take care of you" he growled against my neck, putting himself back together.

"I don't wanna not return the favor..." I said running my fingers through his fluffed hair. "Another time" he said returning his hands to my body, and kissed me. We continued our heated make out session, and then Sam guided me to a table. Probably the one they use to set food up on, I don't know but we used it.

I kicked my heels off, and then Sam pulled my jeans and black lace panties off in a quick motion. Sam placed my body against the edge of the table, so he could have perfect access to my cunt. He licked my wetness up, making me whine for him to actually do something.

He got the memo, because he started roaming his tongue all around my core. "Sammy" I signed into the air. He looked up at me, as if asking what I wanted "more..." I whined pulling him closer to me, and then rummaging my fingers through his hair. "Alright Em" he groaned against me. Calling me Em, meaning the letter M.

I felt Sammy push his tongue deep into me. My breath escaped my lips from the pleasure, and I let out a loud moan. He penetrated his tongue in and out of my dripping wet core, making me grip Sam's hair tighter. He pressed his finger against my clit, and toyed with it, matching the pace of his tongue movements.

"Uhh Saaam" I sighed biting my lip, trying to keep myself a little quiet. Not like anyone was gonna hear us, because the music was bumping so loud. I could honestly be as loud as I usually am, but to be safe...not gonna.

I felt my orgasm building by the minute. "Ahh it's coming Saam" I moaned gripping the table by the sides. Sam sucked, and licked, and did everything right...because a few minutes later, I came onto Sam's lips and the table beneath.

"Holy Fuck..!" I breathed coming down from my high. Sam licked his lips, doing his little eye squint coming up from my core. "You taste so fucking good" he said grabbing my clothes and helping me put them back on. "Well thanks" I giggled wiggling myself back into my jeans.

Sam put my heels back on, and then we walked back out into the crowded dance floor. We went back over to my section, and my other best friend Nate looked pissed. He was sitting on the couch next to the bottles, and I went over to him and sat on his lap. "What's wrong boy, your supposed to be having fun! It's my birthday" I said pouty.

"You went off with Sam, and I missed you ma" Nate said wrapping his arms around my hips. Call me a slut all you want, but I wouldn't mind having Nate right now either. I pushed myself down onto him, and saw his eyes dart to mine. I bit my lip and moved around a bit, watching Nate's reaction. His mouth dropped, and let out a slight groan.

"Fuck, your gonna make me cum moving your ass like that" Nate said into my ear. "Well why not let me make you cum" I said seductively into his hear. His eyes grew wide and he leaped up off of the couch, and I led him to the room Sam and I were just in. Oops, sorry bout it.

Nate pushed me to the table I was previously on, "take em off" He commanded as he took his clothes off. I took my bottoms off, and he positioned over top of my body. Nate slammed into me, making me scream. After entering, he slowly thrusted until I bucked my hips to his signaling him to go faster, he got the hint and picked up speed.

"God baby you feel soo good!" Nate groaned leaning his body over top of mine allowing me to wrap my legs around him letting him get deeper. "Fasteerr Natee right theree!" I moaned as he hit my g spot repeatedly.

I moaned his name as he picked up speed hitting me in the right place every time, "I'm gon-na cum" I screamed while Nate gave me a hickey on my neck. Nate released himself into me while I did in that split second.

He drove out our highs and kissed me while pulling out of me. "Fuck that was amazing" I said finding myself catching my breath like before. "Did Sam make you feel that good?" Nate said smirking. I panicked thinking he was gonna be mad, "what do you know.?" I said pulling myself back into my clothing.

"I'm not mad, just curious. He came out like he just did something. So which was it?" Nate giggled. I rolled my eyes, "he ate me out" I said blushing. "Well dont think we're done here!" Nate said grabbing my hips, then kissed me, and pushed me back onto the table.

I hope you liked it Marilyn💜 this one was different, but fun to write🔥 Idfc who you are, you would fuck everyone from the OGOC in the same damn day 👅💦 Haha love yall and stay beautiful 💟

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