Gilinsky (Requested)

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This one was requested by Demi 💕

*Jacks POV*

This party is seriously so boring. Sammy is off banging some chick, Skate is working in the studio, and Johnson is talking to some slutty girl. And I'm just sitting here on the couch next to some couple basically having sex with their clothes on. Ughh I need to get a drink.

*Demi's POV*

"That dress looks fucking awesome on you Demi!" My best friend Jayden said to me as I admired my outfit in my mirror. I was wearing my tight fitting strapless coral colored dress that came up above my knees with some silver heels. I actually felt sexy for once.

"You think so?" I replied back. "Uhmm, look at you! Your curves fit perfectly in it! And your boobs look nice to" Jayden added to her comment. "Well I am wearing my favorite duhh haha, we better get going. We're already half and hour late." I giggled.


We got out of Jayden's car and walked on the sidewalk to the door of the house the party was at. We walked in and there were so many people. My adrenaline was rushing, hearing the bass of the loud music. "Let's get some drinks" I shouted to Jayden

*Jacks POV*

I was in the kitchen, pouring a drink, when I saw the hottest girl ever...she was wearing the sexiest dress, some silver heels, with her hair messily curled, and her make up was perfect.

I immediately went over to her when she stepped toward the counter all the liquor was setting on.

"You look really good! What's your name?" I yelled, since the music was still kinda loud in the kitchen. "" She said making her drink. "I'm Jack, Jack Gilinsky" I replied.

*Demi's POV*

Holy fuck this guy is hot.! Perfect face, dark eyes, nice body, tall...the way his red flannel hugged his biceps made me feel some type of way.

My confidence was through the roof since Jack was talking to me, and my outfit was perfect. Since I had a boost of self esteem, I decided to show it.

"Let's go upstairs" I said to Jack, twirling the straw from my drink to be flirty. "What about your friend?" He replied licking his plump lips. "She'll be fine, lets go" I said grabbing Jacks hand and leading him through the crowd of sweaty bodies.

I could feel his eyes on me as I dragged him behind me, So I waved my body side to side, to give him a little show. I turned to look at him when we reached the stairs and yup...he was staring right at my ass, biting his lip.

I took Jack into an empty room, and sat on the bed as he shut the door and locked it. We were away from everyone, hearing just the muffled sound of the music.

"Why'd you lock it?" I questioned flirtily (idk if that's a word but it is today😂) he hesitated for a second, but walked over and replied "we don't want drunk people walking in and making out do we?" He said laughing. "I guess not" I said giggling back.

"I have something, wanna share it with me?" Jack said reaching in his pocket. He pulled out a blunt (weed, kush, herb, whatever you wanna call it😚💨) and a lighter. "uhm...sure why not" I said as he lit it and took a few puffs to start.

I smoked sometimes, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Jack passed me the blunt and I inhaled it into my lungs, and puffed it out with no problem. We kept going back and forth for a little bit. I felt the high kick in immediately, and I could tell Jack was too.

"So let's get to the real reason you brought me up here" Jack said taking one more hit, and then leaned to me, and blew the smoke into my mouth. I smiled as I blew it back out from under his face, and finished the spontaneous kiss we had.

I was super high at this point so whatever happens now, is me saying 'fuck it'

"Hold on" Jack said as he got up and threw what was left of the blunt out the window. As he was doing that I kicked my shoes off, and I saw him smirk to himself when he turned back around.

He pushed me back onto the bed with just his lips and set his hands beside me on the bed to support himself.

Jack swiped his tongue against my bottom lip, wanting to take over my mouth. I let him while my hands roamed around his perfect body.

I decided it was time to really get to business, so I started to unbutton his flannel. He didn't mind at all so I kept going.

I finally pulled his flannel along with his under shirt off of him. He immediately went to my body after I threw his shirts across the floor. He pealed my dress from my body and his mouth dropped at my matching red lace bra and underwear.

He laid hickeys and wet kisses all over my body, while letting his hands roam free on any exposed skin I had. He then moved his hands down to my wet core and rubbed me through the thin material.

My breathing became heavy, then moved on to small moans. "Just let it out, who gives a fuck" Jack said into my ear, sending chills down my spine. I then gave him what he wanted and let my moans get a little louder.

He then moved his whole body down to my center spot, and slipped my red panties off. He tossed them to the side and spread my legs to begin what he wanted. He slowly licked my core and hit my sensitive areas perfectly.

"Fuck...Jack" I moaned into the hot air. He slipped a finger inside of me, and I twisted all around at the feeling of pleasure. "You gotta be still baby" Jack said to me in a deep voice. I just nodded to him as he continued.

He pumped another finger into me, and kept a good pace while I was a moaning mess. I reached my peak while Jack watched me come undone. "Don't stooopp Jaack!" I yelled into the quiet room.

I reached my orgasm and in the middle of catching my breath, Jack had came up and kissed me harshly. As Jack put himself on top of me, I attempted to take his belt off.

"Ah ah ah...Demi, before we go any farther...I need to ask you something..." Jack said backing away from the kiss. "What's that Jack..?" I said concerned.

"I know we just met and stuff, but I'd like to take you on a date...and get to know you cool with that?" He said brushing my messy curls out of my face. "Of course Jack, I'd love that.!" I said hugging him.

"Great, now...let's get back to this..." Jack said whipping his belt off and letting me take over.

I hate to leave y'all hanging, but that's it 😋 I feel like I haven't updated in soooo long and I'm really sorry about that! I have so many requests so be ready ☺️ I hope you liked it Demi😘 love yall💕

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