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Important message at then end💎and this one may be a bit short🌹

~>Your POV<~

"Babbeee your just so cuteee" I said while Nate and I were cuddling on the couch. I was getting bored and was getting pretty turned on by Nate. He kept sneaking his hands to my inner thigh. "Just cute?" Nate said smirking with his dimples visible.

"Hold on lemme get a drink, then I'll let you know" I said getting up and feeling Nate's eyes burn from below my hoodie. I didn't have any pants on, so I was walking around in my black lacy panties, with just a bra on under my sweatshirt. Nate and I of course were going at it last night, so we barely had any clothes on.

I came back to the couch and was sipping on my Water. I sat on the opposite side of Nate on the couch. "Why are you all the way over there?" Nate said sitting up with the blankets piled around him. I smirked at the scruffy boy and grabbed his face and kissed his cheek repeatedly.

Nate suddenly pulled me over and onto his lap, and attacked my face with kisses. "Naate! Stop come on!" I giggled as I felt his scruffy face rub against mine. "Neverr!" He said in a kiddish tone and started tickling me. "Naate! Nate! Nathan!" I yelled trying to escape his fingers tickling my sides.

"Babe I'm seriously sweating to death, let me take me hoodie off!" I giggled and whined so he'd stop. Nate was a fan so he let me go, and I stripped my hoodie off of my body, and his eyes were glued to my body. "Mmm damn y/n" he said licking his lips and checking me up and down.

Nate pulled my body back onto his lap, and we started making out of course.! After a couple minutes of that, Nate pushed me over onto the pile of blankets and hovered over my body. We both smirked and giggled at each other, then Nate latched his lips to my neck, leaving another love bite to his collection from last night.

Nate wasted no time getting to the fun part for us. I removed my panties and he took his boxers off, and aligned himself against me. Nate pushed into me slowly and we both let groans escape our lips. We both let out sighs of pleasure when he was all in. He immediately started thrusting fast "fuuck baby" he groaned.

My back arched off the couch, pushing my body against his. Nate came up to my neck and sucked hard to contain his moans and I bit my lip, but still let out small moans. Nate was thrusting fast and hard.

"I'm almost there naaateee" I moaned into his shoulder. "Me too babe" Nate groaned against my neck. As I approached my high, I sent my nails through his back definitely leaving marks.

We both let a string of moans out when we hit our orgasms. Nate rode them out and laid next to me while we both caught our breath. "Ughh fuck....your so perfect" Nate said, once again cuddling up to me.

Alright loves...the time has come that requests are opened up again 🎉 This little break was good I might do them every now and then for my sake of sanity. 😂👏🏼 haha so dm me for a request 🎀 love yall and stay beautiful 💙

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