Johnson (Request)

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This one was requested by the lovely Aressa 💅🏽💋

[Aressa's POV]

I walked into my house to a blonde boy, standing tall, with his arms crossed. My boyfriend Jack, "Hey baby! Me and Megan went and got our nails done, look!" I said showing him my glittery nails, kicking off my baby blue Vans. "I was worried about you Aressa. No notice of where you went, or anything! I just woke up and you were gone!" Jack said with a kinda loud voice.

"Babe, I texted yo-oh right...your phone is broken." I said remembering when Jack dropped his phone on the concrete, messing around with Sammy. "Yeah, plus I could've taken you to get your nails done" Jack said kind of jealous.

"I didn't think you'd wanna go with me to do that, plus me and Megan already planned this..." I defended. "Oh, so you decided not to tell me? What if I wanted to do something with you today?!" The blonde boomed.

"Why are you so upset!?" I yelled throwing my purse and phone down on the counter walking into the kitchen. "Everything is about Megan now! Last week you and her went shopping, a couple days after that you went to the movies with her, then the day after that, you went to the gym with her so I had to go by myself! Then yesterday you two went shopping all day, and today you left me alone again to go hang out with her!" Jack boomed.


I've never heard him yell before, and the second he did you could tell her regretted it. I felt some tears come to my eyes. "Baby, I- I didn't mean to yell...I- I'm sorry" Jack said walking towards me with open arms. I couldn't even comprehended what was going on, so I threw myself into jacks arms.

I started feeling warm tears down my cheeks, and Jacks hands rub my back. "Aressa, baby...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, I just...I just miss being with you. Your always out, and I just wanna spend more time with you baby." Jack said picking me up, bridal style, and taking me to our room.

"I know you didn't mean it babe" I said as Jack laid with me, cuddling me in silence. "I'm sorry baby" Jack said hugging me tighter. "It's okay Jack, really" I said looking up into his blue eyes. "I love you so much Aressa, I really didn't mean it" Jack said stroking my newly shaved legs, that were wrapped around his torso.

"I know Jack! I love you too!" I said trying to convince him I was fine now. "I still feel bad, how can I make it up to you" Jack said moving his hand to rest on my waist, playing with my dangly belly ring. I thought for a minute, then I sat up and lifted my sweater over my head, "make me feel good" I said to a wide eyed Jack. He ogled me in my blue bandeau, and white shorts.

"Uhmm...okay" Jack shrugged giggling. I leaned over him, and kissed him, then moved myself over his torso, straddling him. The kiss got intense when Jack swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, and I let him access through my lips. Jack placed his hands on my hips, and pushed me to the other side of the bed. He whipped his shirt off, exposing his newly formed abs.

I stroked them while he kissed my lips, jawline, then neck. He found my sweet spot on my neck, when I moaned quietly, then latched my hands to his blonde quaffed hair. He lightly nibbled on it, then marked me. He pulled away from my neck, and looked into my eyes, while his were a dark, lustful blue green.

"God your perfect princess" Jack said leaning down to kiss my cleavage. He marked both of my breasts, then continued down my body to the top of my shorts. He wasted no time taking my bottoms off, including my panties. "Fuck baby, your so wet" Jack said looking at me, and taking his sweats and boxers off.

Jack returned his spot back over me, rubbing the tip of his member against my wetness. He pushed into me, making both of us groan with pleasure. I nodded Jack along, so he could start. I started moving my hips in sync with his, while he pounded into me.

Jack knew just how I liked things, so I didn't have to tell him to do anything differently. "Ahhhh fuck Jack yeess" I moaned grabbing his body, pulling it to mine. He nestled his head in my neck, breathing heavily, and bit down on my neck. "Ughhh jaaack" I whined feeling his lips suction to my neck.

He pulled his lips away, and I pulled his face to mine. We gave each other wet kisses, and I felt a knot forming in my stomach. "Jaack, I'm gonna cum" I said grabbing at his blonde locks. "Hold it for me princess" Jack groaned against the kiss. He sped up his thrusts and pounded harder and harder into me.

"Now Aressa" Jack groaned releasing his liquids into my while I did with mine. We both let moans and profanities escape our lips. Jack let a huff out as he pulled out, and plopped himself next to me. "Uhh babe?" I said to Jack when I felt the sticky liquid on my leg. "Yeah baby girl" Jack said wrapping his arms around me. "We didn't use a condom" I said looking at Jacks swollen lips. He just looked at me and smiled.

I hope you enjoyed this imagine Aressa💙I enjoyed writing it that's for sure😋Would yall want me to do another 25 facts about magcongirliee? Comment if I should! Thanks for being so patient loves! Love yall and stay beautiful💕

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