Jack G (Request)

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This was requested by the amazing Kennedy💐💋

~}Kennedy's POV{~

"Jack you are seriously the sweetest! Thank you so much for taking me out" I said to my boyfriend Jack. He took me to my favorite restaurant for my 19th birthday, God he was the best! "Anything for my perfect girl" he replied kissing me when we came to a stoplight.

"So what are we gonna do when we get home?" I smirked, biting my lip. I knew exactly what was gonna go down. "Not sure, but there's another surprise coming so don't get to relaxed." Jack smiled at me, and licking his lips

I was thinking of the many things Jack would do to me, that I didn't realize we pulled into the driveway until Jack came over and opened the door for me. "After you baby girl" he said following me Into the house.

"What is it?" I said tauntingly, getting hornier by the minute. "Go upstairs and we'll find out" Jack said smiling his bright white smile. I rushingly ran up the stairs to wait for Jack to strip me down. I opened the door and saw a large bouquet of roses on my dresser.

"Jaack!" I smiled, turning around to him. I went to give him a kiss, but he pushed me onto the bed, and collapsed onto my lips. I kicked my heels off, and bit down on jacks lip while I pushed off his flannel.

"Tonight's about you baby girl" Jack growled as he pulled my dress over my head and admired my body. "Damn babe, you look good in what I bought you" he continued saying about the black lacy lingerie he gave me this morning as a birthday present.

Jack kissed and sucked his way down my body, and then reached the waistband of my panties. He dragged the material down my legs and kissed both of my thighs, then my inner.

Jack kissed my core softly a few times, and then he laced his tongue up and down my slit slowly, making me quietly moan. I closed my eyes and gripped the bed sheets, as Jack quickened his movements. I then felt Jacks finger move into me. I let out another quiet moan, then I didn't feel Jacks breath on me.

"Let it out baby" I heard Jack growl down below me, adding in another finger. I took what he said and let out a loud moan, while Jack pumped his fingers. I looked down at him and he was smirking at me, biting his lip.

I threw my head back "Ohh fuuck" I let run out of my mouth, feeling the waves of pleasure come over me. I felt Jacks tongue return to my clit, his fingers still at work. "How's this feel baby" Jack groaned onto me, sending vibrations up my body. "So fucking good Jack!" I moaned out about to reach my high.

Jack continued what he was doing and I let my liquid flow out of me while I moaned out Jacks name as loud as possible. He came up to me and pushed his lips against me while he let his hands roam around me.

He pulled away and smiled, "now for the even better part" Jack said removing his clothes fairly quickly.

I hope you liked it Kennedy! This one is freakin cute af I don't care what anyone says 😍 stay beautiful my loves

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