Sammy (Request)

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Another Sammy! This is for the lovely Luccia💙💗

\\Luccia's POV//

"Sammmmyyy can we please go to Nicks party????" i begged my boyfriend to take me to a huge party at a frat house.

"Luccia, baby, there is a lot of shit that happens at those parties and i don't want you getting hurt" Sam rubbed my cheek with his thumb as i gave him the pouty face.

i was 2 years younger then Sam so he always wanted to protect me and wouldn't let me do crazy things like big parties, especially because i was a virgin. Although it was adorable, at times it got annoying because i just wanted to fit in and party like all my friends do.

"Pleeeaaaassseeee" i look up at him with my chin on his chest. He sighed "Fine babe, if it will make you happy" He gave in.

"YAAAAY!" I jumped up and pecked his lips as he smiled. I skipped to our bedroom and started getting ready. 2 hours later i walked over to sammy as he gave me a smirk as he looked me up and down.

"damn babe, you look hot! But i like you just as much as when you are in sweatpants and my hoodie, are you sure you wanna go?" he asked concerned. "Yesss sammy i will be fine, I'm not gonna drink or anything" he smiled and hugged him.

"your so cute and innocent Luccia" he smiled and i blushed and buried my head in his chest.

"lets gooooo sammmmyyyy" i sang as i went over by the front door and waited for him to get his keys.

he chuckled as he grabbed my hand and went out to his car. we drove there in comfortable silence with Sams hand on my thigh and the music softly playing in the background.

we pulled up the house that was already in full party mode with people passed out in the lawn and the music shaking the house. i started to feel nervous so i grabbed Sams hand
"Ok we are not gonna stay long alright?" he informed me as we got out and walked up the steps and went and sat on the couch and sam pulled me onto his lap.

We weren't surprised when the rest of our friends strolled up to us already drunk and probably high.

"hey Luccia!" ginlinksy slurred and kissed my cheek "heyyy jack" i responded kinda nervous, i never really saw him like this, mostly because sam liked to keep me away from things like this.

"hey baby i will be right back, i have to piss so bad" he smiled and took me off of his lap
i laughed.

"Johnson your pretty sober, look after Luccia while i go pee" he put his hand on jacks shoulder and left. "ugh i don't need a babysitter" i huffed.

"Hey Luccia he just cares a lot about you, thats all" he sat next to me on the couch before taking a swing of his solo cup.

It's been a while, and Sammy still isn't back and I'm starting to get worried, not that i don't like taking care of 3 drunk guys or anything...note sarcasm..

"Hey I'm gonna go find Sammy" i excused my self and they nodded.

i walked through grinding bodies and people throwing up, some even passed out on the floor. I then felt a hand on my shoulder so i turned around and saw a tall boy, obviously drunk, starring at me.

"Hey baby wanna dance?" he slurred
"No i have a boyfriend" i tried to back away

"Come on babe, he is not here, i don't bite..." he smirked and grabbed my wrist
"Sammy!" I screamed, desperate to be released from this nightmare.

"Back the fuck away from my girl!"I hear sammy scream as the circle of people around us make room for Sam to come through.

"You weren't with her! i can have her if i want" he grinned, still holding onto my wrist
"Dude seriously let her fucking go, now before this gets ugly" Sam said, but the guys didn't listen, so Sam punched him square in the face as he released my arm
i was totally embarrassed and scared as i watched my boyfriend pound a guys face in, blood spread all over his knuckles.

"SAM STOP! PLEASE!" I screamed over and over until nate came and pulled him off
i was crying, tears spread down my cheeks along with mascara and eye liner
"Sam, can we please just go home" i sniffled and looked down.

he nodded and went to grab my hand but i flinched away. Sam looked hurt and his eyes were full of regret and guilt.

the ride home was completely silent, but not the peaceful silence of the ride here, this silence was full on tension and fear. we pulled in and i followed Sam into out apartment

Sam went into the bathroom and started trying to clean the blood off his hands. I slowly walked in after him, refusing to make eye contact and grabbed his hand and the wet face cloth and started cleaning his knuckles with tears still in my eyes. When i couldn't look at him, all he did was stare at me

"Babe..." sam started. "Just say it Sam, go ahead, your always right" i sniffled, still not looking up. "Say what baby girl?" he put his thumb on me cheek. "Say i told you so, you knew this was gonna happen, but i wouldn't listen because I was being selfish and wanted my way, I'm sorry"

A single tear fell from my face as sam pulled me in a hug
"Its not you fault babe, I'm not blaming you" he whispered into the top of my head
he pulled apart and whipped my tears and makeup that were streaming down my face with his thumbs.

"I just feel like not having sex is putting a burden on everything" my voice got lower
"Luccia, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin! you know, if your not ready to have sex thats fine babe" he lifted my chin. i smiled and kiss his cheek

"and just to let you know, when I'm ready, i want to lose my virginity to you Sammy" i blushed. "That means so much babe, your mine, and I'm sorry i got jealous back there, but i just needed everyone to know your mine and not anyone else's" he smiled and kissed me lips passionately

"Thanks Sammy, I'm yours, i love you and no one else, you don't have to worry"
"I love you too" The rest of the night, i wore Sams biggest hoodie and some of his boxers and we cuddled all night long, watching netflix and talking about our future together. I really did love this boy, and he is definitely a keeper.

Hope you enjoyed it Luccia💐💚 I wrote this one on my cousins laptop so if it looks different, that's why😌 love you baby girls, and stay beautiful💎💜

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