Sammy (Request)

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My love Kennedy requested🎉💜

~>Kennedy's POV<~

"Baby can we try one more know how bad we both want one!" I begged my husband Sam. We've been trying to get pregnant for a couple months, we even had a baby at one point....but I had a miscarriage. That was horrible and we were both devastated. " know we can adopt, I don't wanna have to go through, or see you go through the pain again." Sam said holding my hand.

"I just wanna try one more Sam....there's a slight chance it'll work and I don't wanna pass it up!" I whined cuddling up to Sam in our bed. "Last time we try Kennedy?" Sam said raising an eyebrow. "Last time, if it doesn't work we'll adopt" I said climbing on top of Sam. His hands then took over my body.

}one month later{

"Hey babe" Sam said excitedly, as he walked into the door with a bag in his hand. "What are you so pumped for" I said setting my iPad down, and getting up to greet the brunette. "Look what I bought" Sam said digging in the bag. He pulled out a small pink box, and handed it to me. "Oh my gosh!" I said, examining the pregnancy test in my hand, running to the bathroom. "Want me to come in with you?" Sam said following.

"I'm peeing on a stick I don't need help" I giggled. I shut the door and heard Sam slide down and sit in front of it. I did what I found myself doing a few times before, and I set it on the counter. I opened the door and Sam stood up, "you set the timer?" He said biting his nails. "Just did" I said locking my phone.

Sam and I sat on the bed in silence, anxiously waiting for the timer to go off. "I really hope it's positive" Sam said interlocking our fingers. "You seem more excited than me babe" I said giggling at his giddiness. "I promise, I'll be there every step of the way. I promise that I'll teach him...or her...the best ways possible. I promise that I'll be the best dad ever to this baby" Sam started babbling.

"If there even is one" I mumbled. "Kennedy, don't be so negative. It's bad for our baby" Sam said setting his hand on my belly. "Sammy stop, your probably getting Excited about nothing." I frowned. "You stop! We both want this...I want this! Don't bring more darkness to it than there already is!" Sam said.

"Don't get too excited is all I'm saying" I sassed. "Ken, what if there is a baby in there...that means we're gonna be parents! And I have a feeling there is! And this one is gonna make it!" Sam said with bright eyes. We both looked over as my phone went off, "want me to look" Sam said getting up. "Nope, I got it" I said rushing to the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, preparing myself for the worst, but expecting the best. I walked out of the bathroom and saw a pacing Sam. There was pure hope in that boys eyes, you could tell from a mile away. "Kennedy wha- what does it say, are we pregnant?" Sam started babbling again.

I just walked up to him and threw my body into his arms, and started crying. "Babe....I'm-I'm sorry I got you so excited...I-" Sam said, chocking up. I could feel his heart break against me. "Sam..." I said hugging him tightly. "Yes baby girl" Sam said running his fingers through my hair, as I felt a tear hit my head.

"We're having a baby!" I cried into his chest. "YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" Sam said picking me up and spinning me around. "IM GONNA BE A DAD!....I'm gonna be a dad" Sam said spinning me around, then mumbling to himself for reassurance. "I love you Kennedy!" Sam said putting me down. "I love you too sammy" I smiled brightly at him.
Samuel Howard Wilkinson Jr.
Born June 27, 2016
6:17 am

Oh my gosh this was so cute to write‼️😭 I hope you like it Kennedy💌Love yall and stay beautiful😘💜

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