Gilinsky (Request)

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The lovely Giovanna requested this. I don't know about you guys but the name Giovanna is so damn beautiful to me!! 💐💎

------Jacks POV------

"Come on bro don't be a pussy." Sam taunted me.
"Yeah man, it will only be a joke. Giovanna will understand that." Jack said handing me my phone.
They had just dared me to prank call my girl and break up with her. I was a bit hesitant, but i didn't want my friends to keep on about it all night and i knew they would. I sighed dialing her number hoping this wasn't going to end badly.

As the phone rang i began to hope she wouldn't pick up. Sam nudged me and i rolled my eyes and put it on speaker phone.

"Hi baby." She chirped in her cute little voice. How was i going to do this.
"We need to talk." I said closing my eyes immediately regretting what i was about to do.
"Okay..." She said confused. "Isn't that what were doing right now." She laughed. I wanted to laugh with her.

"We need to break up." I said like ripping off a bandage. She went silent as i looked at the boys hoping i was done, but they egged me on wanting more.
"What?" She asked. She sounded more confused then hurt.

"You heard me." I said i held my breath as i said that and all the boys lightly snickered, i cant wait till one of them get a girl and they have to go through this because it fucking sucked.

"I guess your right." She sighed and my hearts stop.
"What do you mean im right?" I panicked.
"Well jack if were being honest right now this whole thing was doomed awhile ago." She said as i was in shock i looked around and it looked as though most of the boys were to.
"What do you mean by awhile ago?" I asked, everything was great between us.
"Ever since i cheated on you." She said and I felt as if Sadness and Anger both just punched me in my gut.

"What? When? Who?" I yelled standing up while all of the boys gave each other an oh shit look.
"Look Jack, it doesn't matter anymore. Were over, like you said." and with that she hung up.
I went into the bath room continuing to press the redial button. I must of pressed it a hundred times before finally giving up. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking of another guy touching her, holding her, kissing her, fucking her, making love to her. All of those things were my job and my job only. I was supposed to be the only guy to ever touch her in those ways, to make her feel those feelings.

I felt rage run through my bones for what felt like the thousandth time
only this time i acted on it. I threw my fist into the mirror and ripped the shower curtain while letting out screams. I began to wonder who it was that she cheated with. For his sake I hope i never find out because I can honestly say I would kill him.

What if i knew him, What if he was my friend, What if it was one of the boys in the hotel room right now. The thought killed me and I needed to know. I opened the bathroom door slamming it behind me. Who would it have been.?

Johnson, no hes like a brother to Giovanna. Nate, nah Nate hardly knows Giovanna and she isn't some easy girl who fucks a guy she hardly knows. That leaves Sam. I look at him in rage as he looks at me in confusion. I love how he acts so innocent.

I pick him up from where he sits and through him against the wall ignoring the protests from everyone behind me.
"Dude what the hell." Sam yells.
"It was you wasn't it!" I scream in his face as i fell my body being held back by two boys. "You fucked my girl."

"What dude no, think of what your accusing me of." Sam said and i snapped back into reality. I let out a laugh at the thought of Sam and Giovanna. The laughter soon faded at the returning thought i still had no clue who screwed my girl.

"I'm gonna kill whoever it was." I said stepping away from Nate and Jack.
"Dude i don't think your in your right mind right now." Jack said.
"What do you mean in not in my right mind? Was it you?" I stepped toward Jack.
"You just accused me of sleeping with Giovanna! That's why i don't think your in your right mind." Jack yelled in my face and I knew he was right i just couldn't except it.
"I need to go see G," I said turning toward the door.

"Dude think logically right know. Giovanna is 5 hours away. How are you gonna get there." Nate said.

"Give me your keys." I said with the intent of driving through the night, i needed to see her, i needed answers.
"Dude these aren't even mine, we rented the car..." Nate tried to talk sense into but at this point it was no use.

I grabbed the keys from him and turned out the door oblivious to the things they were yelling at me.

~~~~~~Giovanna's POV~~~~~~~

I laughed as i hung up the phone with Jack, I obviously knew it was a prank call from the giggles made by the boys in the background, it was only fair for me to get him back. Don't worry jack isn't stupid, after he thinks things through he will realize i was only joking about cheating on him.

I mean really a girl like me cheat on a guy like him, I cant even fathom
ever doing that. I smiled and turned off my phone, I don't know why but i always do that before going to bed, it helps me sleep i guess.
I laid in my bed and slowly fall asleep.

Hours later i hear my bedroom door slam open causing me to sit up in fright. Relief went through me when i saw Jack and not some murder. However Jack looked upset with tears running down his face.

"Jack? Its four in the morning." I stated looking at the clock. He should be in some city with the boys touring.

"Who was it?" He sobbed walking over and turning the light on next to me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Who the fuck am i going to jail for homicide over!" He yelled causing me to jump. "Who did you sleep with." He said that part quietly, like it hurt him to say it.
I then realized what this was about. He really thought that i had cheated on him. That's why he drove all the way here in the middle of the night with tear soaked cheeks. I began to laugh, i cant believe he actually took me seriously.

"You think its funny!" He yelled which caused me to shut up, as i was about to explain myself he began to speak. "You broke my heart, I thought we had something special something no one would ever understand but us. I thought sex wasn't just sex between the two of us, it was us showing each other how much we loved one another, i thought you loved me. I was never going to break up with you, it was all some stupid prank call the guys made me make." Jack sobbed.

"I know." I said addressing the last part only, for I had no words for what he said before hand. "That's why i said i cheated on you, I thought you'd put two and two together and figure out it was only a joke. Jack i know you'd never break up with me just like id never cheat on you." I said and he looked like a deer caught in headlights. He slowly walked over to my bed sitting down next to me.

"So you never cheated." He spoke quietly.
"Jack no i could never." I said looking at him. A huge smile appeared on his face as he took my face in his kissing me.
"I cant believe you drove all the way here over that." I laughed as he pulled away.
"Of course i did, i love you, and the thought of you with someone else drove me to the point of insanity." He said hugging me.

"I love you to." I smiled hugging him. "Are you going to go back with the boys?" I asked not wanting him to.
"I will tomorrow. I just want to hold you tonight." He said kissing my head. "Go to sleep baby girl." He sighed and i drifted off into a better sleep ive had in quite some time.

Hope you liked it Giovanna💜Hope everyone else did too. Plot twist af right?! Hahaha love yall and stay beautiful💋💕

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