Sammy (Request)

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This was requested by Brooklyn😘

~~Brooklyn's POV~~

Ugh that shower was just what I needed. Today was stressful and just a mess. I had three college exams and then had to go to my part time job until 4:30. And here I am finally home. I'd been sitting in bed in my towel for the last 15 minutes, next to my boyfriend Sam.

He was asleep next to me, so I went and got dressed into a tank top and some pajama shorts. I brushed the ends of my hair up, and threw on some eyeliner and mascara just because. I placed my black SnapBack on my head so my hair wouldn't get frizzy and then sprayed on some VS perfume.

I was excited to finally wake Sammy up, and talk and cuddle with him like we always did. I walked briskly into our room and pounced onto the bed, and heard Sammy groan. "I know, I know. You don't wanna wake up but-" I said but was interrupted.

"Uhh fuck brookie" he moaned out. It didn't register for a couple seconds what was going on, but I quickly realized. Sam was having a dream about me. I blushed and then sat over Sam from his side, and kissed his jawline, neck and then moved up to his lips.

Sam was just in his boxers, so I ran my hands up and down his body while I kissed him softly. I was just about to wake Sammy, but he let out a throaty groan as I pulled away. "I'm awake now, but that's no reason to stop" Sam smirked and said in a deep, sleepy voice.

"Oh so you were awake the whole time mr wilkinson?" I asked him seductively. "No I was asleep until you started kissing my neck" he said as I pulled my top and shorts off. "Mmm I see" I said climbing overtop of him. We giggled at each other, and then I leaned down and instantly the kiss got intense as Sam swiped his tongue against my bottom lip.

I parted my lips to invite him in, and I rolled my hips onto his. "Fuck babe that feels so good" Sam said against the kiss. He placed his hands on my ass and squeezed it, making me moan.

"Ugh fuck Sam im so wet for you already.." I said slowing my pace on Sam's lap, and then moved my body of of his, and then we stripped ourselves down all the way. I laid down, and Sam kissed the valley of my boobs. "God damn your so beautiful Brooklyn" Sam said, admiring my body under him.

"I'm all yours" I said as he aligned himself against me. "You said it" Sam said roughly pushing himself into me. "Ahh fuu-" I said feeling the sudden rush of adrenaline and pleasure surging through my body.

"Damn brooke, you feel so fucking good" Sammy groaned grabbing my hips, and pulling me onto him further. "Just like that Sam..fuck" I cried out, feeling the pressure of his hands gripping harder and harder onto me, which I didn't mind😉

Sam was steadily pounding into me, making me feel the ecstasy I've been craving. "Don't stop Sammyyy" I whined out gripping his biceps. "Fuck babe.." Sam let out biting his lip.

Damn did he look sexy, I loved watching his faces while we had sex. It brought me closer and closer to the edge of my orgasm. "Oh my god Sam...I'm gonna cum" I breathily moaned grabbing at my hair.

"Cum for me Brooke, I want to hear you scream for me" Sam growled before marking my neck with multiple hickeys. His lips on me was all I needed to climax.

"Saamm fuuck!" I yelped out as I sent my nails through the skin on his back. A few seconds later Sam was yelling my name, and released into me. "Oh my fuck Brooklyn" Sam said as he laid next to me again.

"Damn, that was like...the best" he said kissing me with swollen, red lips. "I wanna ride now..." I said getting on top of Sam.

I hope you enjoy this spicy imagine Brooklyn💦 I loved writing this one and I got major feels from it. I think I'm just gonna do slow updates of this book...I really need to focus on school. But I'm not ending it so don't be worried about that! Love y'all and Stay beautiful babes💕

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