A Special Imagine❤️

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So I have a special love receiving a special imagine😘

My babe Kylie wanted a special Stew Maloley imagine💟

And because she is so amazing and talented writing her imagines👍🏼

I'm doing it for her🌸

So here we go👏🏼

{Kylie's POV}

I pulled into the driveway of a big house, double checking the address on my phone. Yea this was Stew Maloleys house, my science project partner. Of course, I had the partner who was the biggest flirt in school. All I know is, I'm not putting up with any shit, I want an A on this stupid project.

I knocked on the door of the big house, and Stew immediately answered the door. "Hey beautiful" he said with his cute little smirk. I blushed, "hi Stew" I said back. "Come in" he said motioning to walk into the door.

I stepped into the big house, and when I say big, I mean huge! "Nice house" I said admiring the decorative work of the house. "Thanks, you hungry?" He said leading me to what I'm guessing is the kitchen.

He opened a cabinet of snacks, any snack you could think of was in it. "Anything you want love" he said motioning to all of the snacks. I grabbed the chewy chips ahoy, because they are the fucking best thing ever created. (Not kidding)

"Thanks stew" I said sitting at the counter, setting my backpack next to me, opening the cookie pack. I took 3 or 4, and pushed the package to the side. "I'm hungry too" Stew said winking at me, not sure what he's getting at...but he reached in the cabinet and grabbed some Doritos.

After we finished our snacks, Stew offered me something to drink. I just had water, "let's go upstairs and start working" he said grabbing my bag, and leading me upstairs. "My room is this way" he said letting me in front of him.

I felt his eyes burn through me, so I turned around "What were you thinking for the project?" I said catching him staring at my ass. "Uh, Uhm...we can go through the list" he said smirking. Why is he so cute? I mean I need this 'A' but Stew is just....ughhhh!

We finally reached the room, after the longest hallway ever. I sat down on the giant bed, and Stew plopped next to me. He set my bag to the side, and looked at me with his perfect eyes.

"What?" I said feeling myself blush. "Your just really hot" Stew said checking me up and down. He leaned in to kiss me, "uh, St-" I tried to protest but his lips met mine. I kissed back, but remembered we had to do the project that was due in 2 days.

I pushed Stew away lightly, "project?" I said blushing. "Well we should have a little fun before, to get is motivated" Stew said running his hand up my leg, to the inside of my skirt. "We need to get an 'A' on this, or we're gonna fail this class!" I protested.

"Just one thing?" Stew said running his hand closer to my core. "St-ew" I said with my breath hitching, as he lightly rubbed his hand over my panties. "Please? I'm really horny..." He begged letting his fingers dance around my center.

Before I could say anything, Stew rushed his lips to mine again, and pressed his fingers against my cunt. The kiss got more intense, and Stew had slipped my panties down a bit to have better access to me.

He slipped his finger inside me, and I let out a sigh against the kiss. He pumped in another finger into me, and I bit my lip to contain my moans. I fell back onto the bed, and kicked my boots off. I spread my legs so Stew had a better angle.

He pushed his lips to mine again, and continued pumping his fingers into me. "Mmm faster" I moaned against the kiss. He moved his fingers faster in and out of me. "You gonna cum for me Kylie?" Stew groaned feeling my walls clench.

"Yes...uhhh fuck" I said feeling a knot in my stomach. He continued his movements, and I continued moaning. I grabbed the sides of Stews shirt, and balled the material into my fists as I felt myself come undone.

"Damn baby girl" Stew said feeling me drip onto his fingers. He pulled them out of me, and then climbed ontop of me. I was still catching my breath so I spoke quietly, "no more right now....we need to start this...stupid project" I said breathily.

"Fine, but your my good luck charm now" Stew said winking at me as I slipped my panties back up.

I hope you liked this imagine Kylieeee💋 I had to put my dirty little twist on it, so I hope you enjoyed it 👅 love yall and stay beautiful🎀

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