Gilinsky (Request)

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So I just want it clear, I love Madison. So anything in this imagine shouldn't be taken seriously.
This one's for Cherish 💚

*Jacks POV*

Why is she acting like this...? Every time I talk to Maddie, Cherish rolls her eyes. Cherish is my best friend, and has been for a while. I told her I was dating Madison right away, because she is my best friend, and I feel that she should know.

Cherish was fine at first, then I invited Maddie to come hang out with us, and she seemed a little mad. I asked her about it later, and she just said it was nothing. But now every time we all hang out, Cherish gets an attitude. I'm not sure if she's jealous, or what...but I can't take it.

*Cherish's POV*


What was I thinking, asking Jack to hang out, knowing he would bring Madison. I do not like this girl, the things I've heard, people she's been with, things she does. I mean she's on top of Jack, flipping her hair around, and being sluttish. Like bitch, you already got him, no need to flirt anymore.

I never get to spend one on one with my best friend anymore...what the hell!

Yea, I know what your thinking, but I'm NOT jealous....
I swear I'm not...
Maybe a little...
Okay fine, I am

But do you blame me, Jack is fucking gorgeous! Also my best friend....I'm just gonna talk to him, without Madison around. I'll just wait till she gets up to primp herself in the bathroom or something.

There she goes now, I walked over to Jack and sat down. "Hey there Cherry" (his nickname for me) "hey Jack, I really need to talk to you, best friend stuff. Do you think you can get rid of Maddie for about an hour?" I said quiet so Madison didn't hear. "Sure give me a minute" Jack said wrapping his arm around me, kissing me on the cheek.

Jack walked back towards the bathroom as Maddie came out. "Baby lets talk real quick" he said snaking his hand around her perfect body, that I have always been envious of. "Kay" she said with her preppy attitude. I don't know what he said to her but she walked out of the house and grabbed the keys.

"Is it cool if you bring Jack home when your done with him?" she said opening the door. "Yea that's fine, see ya later" I said waving. She just walked out, no goodbyes, nothing.

Oh well.

"So what's up Cherry Pie.?" Jack asked worried sitting next to me. "Uhm, well there a few things. Have you noticed that Maddie is...kinda...rude sometimes...? Like to me." I said not looking at Jack in the face. "How?" He said with a concerned tone, which made me kinda feel better.

"Well I think she feels like she has to compete with me for your attention, but she doesn't have to because ever since you guys started dating you won't let each others side for more than a day...I guess what I'm getting at is, I never see you anymore because of her." I said opening up a little more.

"Cher, we always hang out...what are you talking about?" He said getting a little defensive. "Yea, with Maddie, never alone anymore." I said looking at Jack in the eyes. "Well you need to accept the fact that I have a girlfriend, and I wanna hang out with her just as much as you." Jack said looking directly into mine.

"Well your my best friend over being her boyfriend. I've been there for you since we were 10 years old! She's been around for...what...a year?" I said getting more defensive. He breathed deeply out of frustration.

"I need time with both of you" he said trying to choose his words carefully. "Well I'm your best friend Jack!" I said raising my voice. "Exactly! Not my girlfriend!" Jack said standing up, walking to the door.

"CANT YOU SEE I FUCKING LOVE YOU, WAY MORE THAN A FRIEND JACK! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS!!" I yelled, realizing I confessed to Jack I love him, more than a friend.

Jack looked to the ground with a look of regret. He opened the door and walked out, I ran after him. "Where are you going Jack.." I shouted from the top of my driveway, to the bottom where Jack was now walking. "I just need time to myself...I'll get home" he said walking farther and farther away down my street.

I walked inside and slammed the door shut, loud enough for people in China to hear. I gripped my hair, yelled out of frustration, ran upstairs, and collapsed on my bed, crying myself to sleep.

{The Next Day}

I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy. I looked at my clock, 10:00. I checked my phone to see why it was going off like crazy, one word....


23 text messages and 13 calls. What the hell would he want now that my heart is shattered. I got up, not ready for the day alone. My parents are on vacation for a month so I have the house to myself. I put on a loose grey crop top with some sweats. I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes were puffy and red from crying, so I put some concealer and mascara on. Wasn't really planning on doing anything today anyways...

I threw my messy hair up into a bun and went downstairs to make breakfast for myself. I couldn't help but think of Jack. I wanted to answer him, but I can't! I'm not ready to face him...

I ate my breakfast then sat down to watch tv and right as I did, there was a knock on the door. Probably Madison looking for Jack, I got up and answered the door. "Jack?!" I said shocked as I realized who it was.

He didn't say a word, just hugged me tightly. I hugged back, and we sat there a minute before any of us said anything. We pulled away and Jack kissed me! I shoved him off slightly, but he just wrapped his arms around my hips and held me closer, laying his lips on mine.

I mean, why not? Let's make this last...

I wrapped my arms around Jack's neck, and he lifted my body up and I wrapped my legs around him. He pulled his face away, "I'm so sorry Cherry...Madison and I are done and I want you. Let me show you how much you love you..." He said in a deep voice.

I didn't know what to say...he broke up with Madison for me? "Uh.....oh....okay" I spilled out, out of nervousness. "Don't be scared, I'll be gentle...I know your a virgin..I mean as far as I know" Jack said giggling. I pulled his head to mine and kissed him hardly, while he made his way to my room.

Jack laid me on the bed, and broke the kiss to walk over and shut the door. He returned seconds later, ripping his shirt off, then climbing onto me. He hovered his perfectly structured body over mine, and looked deep into my eyes before setting his lips onto mine.

We had a heated make out, running our hands all over each other, then Jack reached for my shirt and pulled it over my head. He kissed down my body and removed my sweatpants and panties. He kissed my thighs, then stood up and removed his remaining clothing.

Jack hovered back over me, "if I hurt you, tell me" he said concerned. "Okay" I said smirking to Jack. He slowly pushed into me as I let out a slight whimper, "Cherish, you okay?" Jack asked me with worry in his eyes. "Just keep going" I said biting my lip to hide to pain.

Jack slowly pressed in and out of me until the pain washed away to pleasure. After he saw I was okay, he continued faster. I let out small moans and gripped Jacks perfect hair.

Jack groaned deeply into my ear as he kept thumping into me, filling me with great pleasure. "Fuck...Jack" I moaned into his lips as I kissed him. Jack pressed his hands down onto my hips with major force, but it didn't hurt, it actually turned me on even more.

I moaned loudly pulling my nails down Jacks back, as I was about to get my high. "Cherry it's coming, I feel it" Jack breathily moaned into my ear. "Mine to Jack" I sighed arching my back. Just after I said that, I felt myself let go, and Jack no later...

We just laid their in bed, rethinking what we just did. "Now what?" Jack giggled.

Hey beautiful bitches guess what!? IM STARTING A FANFIC! It's with the amazing BrunetteBarbie87 ! The book is not on my account though, It's on our joint account BrunetteGirliee87 ! The book is called 'Scar' and we are doing it together. I hope you guys check it out and read and vote! It will have smut in it so expect that 👏🏼 pllleeeaaasseeee check it out guys?! I love you! 😘

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