Johnson Birthday Imagine

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I didn't plan on making this...but I got bored so yea 💕

Jack went out with the guys for his birthday. I got him some new J's, new shirts, snapbacks, and beanies. But I need to give him one more present...😉

I knew Jack would be back soon, so I put on some cute black lingerie I bought for the occasion.

I went into the bathroom and fixed my makeup and curled hair from dinner earlier.

I got a text from Jack saying they just left and are in a cab on their way home. I asked him if the guys were gonna stay and hang for a bit and he said no, so I didn't do this for nothing....Good.

He texted me again saying he was almost home from dropping everyone else off.

I was waiting for Jack when I heard his voice tell the driver 'thank you' and I went towards the door and waited for him to open it.

"Princess I'm ho-" Jack started to say but as he turned around from closing the door, I interrupted his words by pushing him against the wall and kissing him.

I started slowly grinding my hips onto Jacks while kissing his jawline and neck, sucking a little making him groan. I moved back to his lips and kissed him some more.

I bit down teasingly on Jack's bottom lip as I pulled away. I watched Jacks eyes slowly open, then scan my body up and down.

"Holy fuck baby girl..." He said placing his hands outlining my torso with his hands. "Happy birthday babe" I said unzipping his jacket, and pushing it off slowly.

Jack lifted me up and kissed me hard. He didn't drink that much by the taste of his breath against mine.

He carried me into our room and slammed me against the door making it shut behind me. He pulled away from our deep kiss and laid me on the bed and kissed my sweet spot on my neck. I moaned quietly when Jack started sucking it slightly.

Jacks lips formed a smile against my skin, then started to kiss down my body. He got down to my black lace panties; "Jack....stop" I said breathily. He kept going kissing every part of me that had exposed skin.

I lifted his face up towards mine, his eyes were dark, and full of lust. "babe, this is about you" I said sitting up on my elbows. "Are you sure" Jack said coming up to my face.

I flipped him over so I was on top and had his arms pinned. "It's your birthday, I'm Positive" I said with a smile, making Jack smile too.

I tugged at his shirt as I kissed him again, and broke the kiss for a split second only to remove his shirt. I kissed Jack's neck once more and gave him some love bites down his chest.

I reached the edge of his jeans and unbuttoned his pants and ripped them off along with his boxers.

I did his member good as he moaned my name over and over, telling me how good it was. "Fuuck babe, I'm gonna cum" he said as he threw his head back in pleasure. After a few more seconds, he did.

I cleaned everything off and sat up "now, can I unwrap my present?" Jack said before attacking my neck with kisses and love bites. Jack moved my body under his and removed my panties.

He came up from my neck and admired my body before spreading my legs. He lowered his head to my heat. "Jack Edward, how many times do I have to tell you it's your birthday!" I said sitting up. "Well..okay" He said as he laid down on the bed.

I put myself on top of Jack and slowly slid onto him. We both let out sighs of pleasure, and I slowly bounced on Jack's length. We were both moaning each other's names out into the hot air of our room.

"Jaaack I'm gonna cuumm" I moaned rolling my hips onto Jacks. "Fuck me to" he said gripping my hips, making me come down harder onto him. I felt my orgasm hit, then Jacks immediately after.

I rode our highs out then laid next to Jack. "Happy birthday Jack Edward, I love you" I said tracing shapes on Jack's chest looking up at him. "Thanks baby girl, I love you too" he said with a smile, pecking my lips.

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉he's 19🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉damn🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉still wanna fuck him though 😜

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