Jack G (Request)

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This was a request from the beautiful Katie😘💋

I think Jack is home? Ive been sitting in our room, trying to distract myself from wanting him, but I've been craving him all day! He's been out with the guys, doing god knows what. I just wanted him so bad!

I decided I was gonna go look. I uncovered my body, only wearing shorts and a bra cause I didn't feel like getting dressed today. I walked down our grand staircase, and heard footsteps. MY BABE IS HOME!

I ran downstairs and yelled around the house for Jacks name. "Babyyy I'm horny and I want you to fuuck meeee" I said throughout the house, going towards the living room. I went in and started caressing my body.


"Uhh...Katie...Jack, I think we're gonna get going so you guys can...take care of each other." Johnson laughed, motioning Nate and Sammy to the door. My face was burning at this point. Jack just looked at me, and gulped at my body...or the fact he was embarrassed for me. I'm too not sure yet.

I went upstairs and heard Jack say bye to the boys. I started laughing at myself, and I laid in the bed giggling at my action. I started twisting my hair around and thinking of all the jokes and stuff that were coming me and Jacks way next time we all hung out.

I felt flustered, so I went to my vanity and put on my VS perfume that Jack bought me the other day when we went shopping. I turned around and was face to face with Jack. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed.

I didn't realize it was him at first so I was startled. He had placed his hands on my hips, and kissed me right when we locked eyes. I ran my hands over him, and he had taken his shirt off before he came to me apparently.

I pulled away and looked at him, and pushed him against the wall of our room. "Why would you let me do that" I said laughing. "I didn't know you were half naked, yelling that you wanted to fuck me" Jack giggled staring me in the eyes.

"Well the feeling hasn't changed" I said biting my lip before kissing Jack softly. Our lips started moving in sync, and then Jack led me back to the bed. He started kissing down my body, and unbuttoned my shorts. He looked at me when he slipped my panties down my legs, which made me even more turned on than I was.

"Damn you're wet baby girl" Jack said licking his lips. I giggled, and watched him as he dipped his head in between my legs. My hands went straight for his dark brown hair, while he latched his lips onto my clit.

"Mmm Baabee" I quietly moaned. Jacks dark eyes darted to mine, and he smirked against me. I bit my lip, and felt his tongue roam around my entrance. I played with Jacks hair as he kept licking and sucking my V.

He ran his hands up and down my torso, sending his tongue in and out of me. "Ooohh...fuuck" I sighed as Jack flicked his tongue on every sensitive spot he could. He sucked and nibbled on me, trying to get me to my high. "Jaack" I moaned as he rubbed his finger over my clit.

"It's comming babeeee" I whined as I felt the familiar knots in my stomach. "Let it out baby girl" Jack said, then returning his tongue in the best spot he could. I gripped his hair in one hand, and the sheets in the other.

"Ahhhh fuuck!" I said as my juices flowed out of me. Jack came up from me, as I was in the middle of catching my breath when he kissed me again. I pushed him off of me, "your turn" I smirked, getting on top of Jack, unbuttoning his jeans.

I hope you liked your imagine Katie! I wanna thank everyone for their patience and support for this book. I love you guys soo so much! Stay beautiful💜💜💜

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