bonus chapter: seven

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"Morning, Richard."
I smiled, greeting him.

"Uh, good morning, Sage."

He didn't smile back, only giving me a shy-like wave.

"You doing okay?" I checked.

He stared down the hall scowling for a few seconds before turning down the next hallway.

I looked to the end, spotting Catherine just before I rounded the corner, following Richard to the lobby.

"You guys still talking?"

He scoffed, stopping to turn to me. 

"No, we aren't! Instead she wants to have everyone else talk to me.. Catherine's lawyer called me up this morning to let me know how generous Catherine is by letting me keep my own house."


"My point exactly. It makes no sense but we know how she is. I'm just tired of fighting.." He sadly spoke.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jackson questioned, approaching us.

I stumbled for a response while Richard quietly walked away.

"What's happening?" I asked, pointing to the small banner.

"Today is Meredith's Pro Bono Surgery Day." He replied, moving to stand in front of me. 

"Don't try to change the subject. You haven't been cleared to come back.." He added causing me to groan.

"I'll only be going over lab results, babe."

"No surgery?"


He stared at me, unsure if he should continue his protesting.

"No surgery?" He repeated.

I laughed, shaking my head.

"Correct, Mr. Avery."

He smiled, nodding then softly kissing my lips.

"Take it easy, Mrs. Avery.. I gotta go but I'll see you, 'kay?"

"Sage!" Meredith called, quickly coming up to me.

"Are you back? Good, you're back. I need you today. I have too many surgeries and not enough doctors."

"Sorry, Mer, she can't." Jackson answered for me.

"Sage, oh my god, I didn't know you were a man." Meredith jokingly gasped causing Jackson to glare at her.

"Yeah, you're hilarious, Grey. I'm serious, though. Sage hasn't been cleared.."

"We're on the board. Can't we just fake her wellness or something?"

"No, Meredith, we cannot fake her health. I will try to do a surgery in between by own but no help from Sage."

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