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"Well, the aortic stenosis doesn't look too severe. A valvuloplasty might-" Riggs started, getting cut off by Arizona.

"Did you get anything out of you mom?" She asked Jackson.

"I got called a "Nosey Rosie" and then she changed the subject. Oh, did you see Minnick's Ted Med talk, though?"

"I think she's fascinating." Maggie said.

"Oh, yeah, we'll see how fascinating she is when she starts handing out pink slips." Riggs dismissed her.

"Well, I'm safe, because there's only a handful of people in this country who can do what I do, unlike cardio surgeons." Arizona shot at Maggie.

"Well, you know what they say... "Last one in, first one out." Maggie pointed to Riggs.

"Well, that's not how it happened on D-Day. Ain't nobody safe on the battlefield." Riggs joked.

"They're prepping Sasha." Carlos alerted me, suddenly appearing.

"On my way." I kissed Jackson, following behind Carlos.

A black-haired woman stopped us before we got to the door of the scrub room. She had a wide smile with Jo behind her. I recognized her from the email.

"Hi!" Eliza smiled, waving.


"Wilson and I look forward to joining you on your peritoneal catheter placement today."

"Excuse me?" Carlos asked.

"I've been given permission to use this case as a teaching moment. Wilson will lead and you both will assist." I scoffed.

"No." I plainly said, going to move past her but she stepped in front of me.

"No? I think you mean yes."

"No, I said no." I flashed a smile, moving her and going in.


"Hey, you wanna come to Raven's with me?" I asked Jackson.

He grabbed the laptop off the table, nodding his head.

"Definitely looking forward to a night out with you, without Raegan."

"What do you have against her? I mean, it's not like she's your daughter."

"She just takes you away from me for so long. I hate it.."

"I carried her for nine months.."

"I've known you longer." I laughed at his stupidity.

"You know.. I wouldn't mind some alone time right now."

His hand softly traced around my body before gripping my throat. I quietly moaned, biting my lip.

"I got it!" Richard shouted, bursting into the on call room.

Jackson and I separated, looking at the old man. Richard cheered as his success while Maggie and April came in.

"Enlighten us, Richard.." Jackson huffed, throwing his hand up.

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery Where stories live. Discover now