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follow Sage Bailey's journey as she conquers the halls of Grey-Sloan. a kick-ass neonatologist & pediatrician just trying to save lives and survive while dealing with a pretty-eyed man, who happens to be the love of her life.
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"They're locusts." Meredith scowled.
"Comfortable locusts feeding on our surgeries."
"It's rude." I said.
"There should be at least a couple of days where they act like guests before they put their feet up on the coffee table."
"And what's with the orange scrubs? What, ours aren't good enough for 'em?" Lexie scoffed.
"We ran out. They're on back order. Randall from the supply company says there'll be here in a week. That's what you learn when you lie here all day." Meredith said, noticing our looks.
"Why bother ordering new ones? We could just give these to our replacements." I suggested.
"We're not gonna be replaced by anybody." Alex said, taking my chips.
"They're here. It's over." Cristina threw her hands up, sitting in the chair.
"Hey. We are not some stupid hosts. They can't invade us. They can't attach themselves to our faces and then while we're eating spaghetti, explode out of our chests and skitter across the floor. This is our ship. This is our ship!" Meredith chanted.
"Excuse me. Are you.. are you quoting a Sigourney Weaver movie?" Lexie questioned.
"Shut up. That's what happens when you live here. You watch a lot of tv. We own this hospital. We were born in this hospital. And we will hold this hospital with our last gasping breath."
"Eh.." I sounded, not feeling the fight.
Meredith groaned.
"Go out there and go get surgeries before they take them. I want a full report by the end of the day."
"You owe me two bucks." I said, hitting Alex's chest as we walked out of her room.
We separated not long after when I made my way to the E.R. I tapped Owen's left shoulder, quickly moving to his right.