bonus chapter: eight

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"Whoa, wait! You can't just give a spot away! We've been waiting. My mom has been waiting!" A woman yelled at Meredith.

"I know how long she has been waiting. I have been here all day myself."

"It's not fair! It's wrong! You know.."

"Is that what's happening now... you're giving spots away?" A random person questioned.

"I know you want to help a lot of people, but my mom should be one of them. She's in agony. You said you'd help her.." The woman sadly spoke.

"You should not have to apologize for being such a good advocate. I am sorry that the system is this messed up that you have to fight this hard. Your mom is going to get her surgery. I promise. Your Marine is going to get his surgery.." Meredith told Amelia before turning to the other patients.

"You're all gonna get your surgeries. Because we have a very generous donor who has graciously agreed to extend Pro Bono Surgery Day for as long as we need. Also, I'm very happy to announce that we are going to start doing Pro Bono Surgery Days once a month here from now on.."

Scattered applause filled the room as I looked to Jackson.

"Can I stay?"

He sighed, adjusting the strap of his duffel bag.

"Babe.. what about the kids? I got a game tonight and I don't want them by themselves. Where's Maria?"

"Probably asleep, Jack, and we gave her six months off. Where is Daveed? Carlos?"

"Daveed is at a conference and Carlos... No. I don't trust our kids with another kid."

I laughed, shaking my head.

"Fine. They can stay by themselves tonight. You going out with Richard?" I asked once I laid eyes on him.

"Maggie says he's depressed. Him and mom are fighting."

I held in a laugh, covering my mouth.

"It's not funny." Jackson said then lightly chuckled.

"Okay, maybe a little. Mom's lawyers are going after him in the separation.. I mean, I feel bad but I don't wanna have to choose sides. Oh, there he is. Richard?"

Richard stopped, turning to Jackson.

"You got any plans tonight?"

"Did Catherine send you to spy on me?"

"Why would you say that, Richard?" Jackson questioned, slightly offended.

"Would you put it past her?"

Jackson and I glanced to each other, shrugging.

"Okay, fair enough, but the answer is no, okay? I just have an extra ticket to the game tonight.. Now, I don't know if you've been following the season, but Mavis..."

"Are you kidding? Mavis has been on fire! And that ?-pointer last week at the buzzer? Oh!" Richard excitingly said, smiling.

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