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My eyes fluttered open, looking around the room. I had a slight headache.

"Take it easy. Nice and slow." Jackson and Aunt Mir rushed to my side.

"I'm fine." I assured them. She checked my pupils while he lightly pushed on and felt my face.

"Stop." I waved them off.

"Any pain? Any dizziness?" She asked.

"Babe, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine till I say you're fine. We're gonna get you a C.T. to make sure it's nothing serious." Aunt Mir declared.

"I'll page Shepherd to take a look at you." Jackson added.


Everyone had been by to check on me. I kept denying the CT because I felt fine. A couple transporters came by but I turned them away.

Fed up with the room, I carefully removed the IV from my arm, disposing of the materials. I grabbed my white coat, throwing it on and leaving the room.

The nurse nodded when I told her she could mark the room as empty. I stopped at the cafeteria for a water, going to the basement.

Callie, Alex, Meredith & Maggie all sat on the gurneys. Mer wore a look of sadness. I sat in between Callie and Alex, laying my head on Callie's shoulder while Alex laid his on my lap.

"He probably just lost his phone and some random lady found it." Callie suggested.

"Stretch." Mer declined.

"Or it was stolen... some chick stole it and answered it." Alex said.

"Bitch." Callie said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, maybe a kid stole it, and his mom picked it up." She continued.

Derek had been working with the president in D.C. on a project. When Mer called him, a woman picked up his phone, not identifying herself, simply hanging up.

"Mm!" Maggie perked up.

"He was in surgery, and a nurse picked it up. They pick up our phones all the time. He was in the lab, and a research assistant picked it up. He was in the bathroom, and a janitor picked it up. He was in an accident, and a paramedic picked it up." Maggie ran off a list.

"Whoa. Maybe let's not alarm her."

"Hey, listen, it's not the best option, but viable. I'm just saying, don't go looking for zebras here. I think Derek is-"

"He's done this before." Mer interjected.

"What?" Maggie asked confused.

"Moved to a new city, got a new job, ignored his wife's calls, met a girl, fell in love, started over." I told her.

"Wait, what are you talking about, "met a girl"?" Callie asked.

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery Where stories live. Discover now