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"What do we got!?" Owen yelled.

"Bailey and Avery." Callie spoke through tears with Alex behind her.

"What.." he trailed off, seeing the long curly hair and the bright complexioned male.

"Sage in Trauma 1; Avery in 2." Owen directed them.

"Oh my God, is that who I think it is?" Bailey exclaimed in fear.

"Bailey, you can't be here." Richard stopped her from going any further.

"Do not tell me what to do Richard Webber! Get out of my way."

"No. You are not allowed to work on family, and you will not break those rules today. You can sit in the waiting room or you can help out with Avery. Now, you choose!"

Bailey huffed, balling up her fists as tears dropped from her eyes.

"Fine, but you tell me everything that goes on." She said, grabbing a gown.

They separated the two, quickly getting to work. Callie and Richard on Sage while Bailey and Owen were with Jackson.

"How we doing?" Bailey checked in Sage's room after a couple minutes.

Sage gasped, opening her eyes then quickly shut them due to the bright light shining above. She tried to talk but couldn't due to the tube in her throat.

Miranda jumped at the sight, tears threatening to fall. She excused herself, going back to Owen.

Jackson laid on the table, weakly coughing as he grabbed at his ribcage. He'd felt like his lungs were punctured.

The beeping on their machines became louder and faster. Neither could make out what the doctors were saying, it was just overlapping voices.

"Avery, I need you to relax."

Jackson continued gripping his ribcage, wanting to scream from the unbearable pain.

"We gotta sedate him."

While Jackson's muscles relaxed, Sage panicked, pulling at the tube. She felt a sudden need to vomit, her body feeling like it was being stuck with pins and needles. Callie quickly ran in the room to her friend's side.

"Breathe. You gotta relax so I can extubate you, honey."

Her breathing start to slow, her BP still dropping. Callie carefully extubated Sage, handing her a bucket.

Sage gasped, weakly grabbing the bucket to throw up in. She wiped her mouth, groaning before passing out again.

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