"We are throwing Bailey under the bus." Derek exclaimed.
"Come on. That is not what we're doing." Jackson defended.
"No, it seems like that's exactly what we're doing."
"Two of our patients are dead of the same post-op infection. A third one's barely hanging on. It was time that we get the C.D.C. in here and figure this thing out."
"By treating Bailey like a criminal? She hasn't done anything." Meredith asked.
"I hope that you're right. Truth is, we don't know that yet. C.D.C. is simply asking us to temporarily freeze Bailey's files and that we not discuss this investigation with her. So today, just keep your distance." Jackson relayed.
"That is ridiculous." Yang rolled her eyes.
"Also I think now's the time to put out a statement." Jackson said.
"About what? I mean, we don't even know if Bailey's the source of this thing." Arizona fought.
"If one of ours is at fault and we just sit on this information, we look like we're trying to cover something up. The only way to let the public know that we can be objective is by being transparent." Jackson fought back.
"Vote?" I suggested.
"I'm just saying, people should learn the news from us." Jackson continued, ignoring what I said.
"There's no news." Derek stated.
"There's no news yet." Jackson declared.
"Okay, vote?" I suggested again.
"All in favor of no press release?" Everyone raised their hand except Jackson.
"Okay. No press release. No statement. Clear?" I announced.
My eyes locked with Alex, who stood down the hall, talking with Arizona. He'd paused whatever he was saying, mouthing something towards me.
I quickly turned away, focusing on the chart. I hadn't spoken to Mer or Alex outside of work since I was still upset with them. We only spoke if it was hospital related and I hadn't spoken to Jackson at all.
Instead, I was staying at a hotel for the time being. Jackson tried to contact me multiple times, asking if I was okay— I never replied. It had been about a week and a half; he still hadn't told me.
Grabbing the tablet, I walked to the cafeteria. The corner of the room was calling my name. I grabbed an apple, spotting Aunt Mir sitting at one of the tables. She nervously sipped her coffee, looking around the room.
I walked over, sitting at the table, watching as relief replaced the worry, stress and pain on her face. She flashed a small, quick smile.
"Hi, Aunt Mir." I greeted.
"Have you heard anything?" She immediately asked.
"No. I only know what you know."
"Hey. Is your interview over?" Mer inquired, sitting at the table.

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery
Fanfiction✨ Complete ✨ follow Sage Bailey's journey as she conquers the halls of Grey-Sloan. a kick-ass neonatologist & pediatrician just trying to save lives and survive while dealing with a pretty-eyed man, who happens to be the love of her life.