"Oh, please, Karev." I said, rolling my eyes.
"So you're pissed at me?"
"I didn't say that. I suggest that you leave me alone before I break my surgical hand and your jaw."
"You're taking up for those snot-nosed brats?" He asked. I punched him in the chest.
"Ow!" He shouted.
"They're not snot-nosed brats, they're tiny humans who have a much bigger heart than you, asshole."
"Woah, what about tiny humans and Karev being an asshole?" Jackson asked, laughing as he sat at the table.
I rubbed my stomach, hoping it soothed the nausea I was feeling. The half eaten sandwich in front of me wasn't looking appealing.
"She's mad because I'm mad that she ditched me for a surgery."
"Is he serious?" Jackson looked at me, smiling.
"He's serious." I nodded. Jackson was almost out of his funk from his dad so it was good to see him smiling.
"You gonna barf or something?" Alex asked me.
"You keep rubbing your stomach."
"Your face is making me sick."
"Good, that way you can't hang out with anyone." I flicked him off, laughing.
"I tried everything, she won't stop crying. I promise I will clean up the mess." Lyla rambled over the phone.
"It's okay, this isn't the first time this has happened. Did she turn down pancakes?"
"Yes. She said she only eats daddy's chocolate chip pancakes or mommy's blueberry pancakes."
"Try giving her graham crackers, those should work."
Lyla quickly grabbed the pack of graham crackers off the shelf, handing one to Rae. Right after, her cries slowed to a stop before she munched on the cracker.
"Why do you guys have your own specialty pancakes?"
"We can't make the other. I burn the chocolate chip pancakes or he burns the blueberries."
"Oh, I get it.. thank you so much."
I ended the call, laying my head back on the couch. I used my hand as a fan, trying to cool my hot body.
"I can figure it out on my own!" Jackson voiced loudly as he came into the lounge with Richard behind him.
"When? The last minute?"
"I don't need your help!" Jackson lashed out at him.
"Stop telling yourself that I need your help. You're not my father."
"I know I'm not, but who is? I don't see him around here, do you? I'm the closest thing you have to a father, Jackson. You may not like it but you're stuck with me."

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery
Fanfiction✨ Complete ✨ follow Sage Bailey's journey as she conquers the halls of Grey-Sloan. a kick-ass neonatologist & pediatrician just trying to save lives and survive while dealing with a pretty-eyed man, who happens to be the love of her life.