"Where are my grandbabies!?" Catherine announced as she came in.
The kids looked up then back at the tv. I handed Jackson Sky's bottle, combing Rae's hair. Catherine handed Jackson a bowl, taking her shoes off and getting comfortable.
He opened the bin, taking out a cookie."What are these?" He asked.
"Oh, these are for you. I didn't know what to get you as a thank you for your support. I baked these cookies; it's a new recipe, try it." She smiled.
He sniffed it, biting into it. Sky took the bottle out of her mouth, reaching for the cookie.
"These are my coconut almond cookies."
"Woah." He mumbled, chewing on the cookie.
He moved the cookie out of her reach, letting Sky on the ground and placing the bin on top of the fireplace.
"What? Is everything okay?" She panicked.
"You didn't tell her?" I questioned.
"I meant to. I forgot."
"What? Tell me what?"
"The twins are allergic to almonds."
"They had an allergic reaction to some almond milk your son gave them. Nothing with almonds is allowed in this house or around them."
"Oh." She huffed, grabbing the bin and going to throw it in the garbage.
"Mom, you didn't have to do that."
"It's fine."
"No, you could've shared with Richard or someone who can actually enjoy them."
"It's fine, dear. I'll just make some of your favorite cobbler."
"I love that idea." He smiled.
"Instead of chocolate chip, can mommy make blueberry pancakes tomorrow?" Rae asked.
"Mommy won't be here. She's going on a conference with Richard." Jackson replied.
"When are you leaving?"
"I leave tonight, beautiful. I will be back before you know it."
"Are you going to make blueberry pancakes for Grandpa Richard?"
I laughed. She shrugged, turning her attention back to the tv."Jackson Lamont Avery!" Catherine shouted, smacking him in the back of the head.
"Who the hell is Lamont, and what'd you do that for?"
"Keep your little sexual looks to yourself. I don't want to see that, nasty! You shouldn't even be thinking about that with these angels in your face."
"Angels? Mom, who are you talking about? Kai is the only angel."
"Sky is an angel too." I added.
"No. That little girl wasted two boxes of cereal on the floor. She's destructive." He complained.
"Who gave her the cereal boxes, Jackson?" I questioned, tilting my head at the idiot.
"Hm.. you are right, however! It was meant to keep her busy while I got Rae dressed."
Catherine laughed, putting the blocks on top of each other with JJ. I puffed out the ends of Rae's ponytail, letting her run off to play.
"Are you all packed, dear?"
"I was but Sky pulled half of my clothes out of my suitcase."
"See, she's already a terrible person." Jack commented. I bust out laughing.
"Jackson, what are you talking about?" Catherine turned to him.
"Get your ass down!" He yelled at Rae who had climbed on the glass table.
"Mom, come on. I know I was such a good baby, you don't know what bad looks like.."
"Oh, honey, you were bad. No.. I'm getting chills just thinking about that."
"Not in my toddler years, though."
she shrugged, agreeing."What are you trying to say?"
I inquired."Look at Rae. Look at JJ. They are a literal representation that toddlers are awful people."
"Nonsense! My babies are beautiful & handsome angels. Who wants to come over Grandma's house!?"
Sky continued picking at Jackson's beard, JJ pushed the tower of blocks over, now playing with the toy truck. Rae smiled, running off with her tablet, excited that she could watch her favorite movie.
I looked at Kai, chewing on his pacifier. He was the only one interested in the conversation.
"They don't need to go. I'll be here."
"What if you want to go out with Daveed or Carlos?" She asked. He shook his head.
"Daveed is busy with Meredith and her kids. Carlos is free but he's wrapped up in Paige.."
"Carlos, oh.. I still don't understand why you hang out with that man. He is such a child." She rolled her eyes.
"Ma, he's literally the male version of Sage. He's just a little more stupid."
"So, I'm stupid?" I asked.
"Of course not. You are mentally challenged some times but he's full out idiot."
"Leave him alone." He told him, causing him to laugh.
"Dear, I have a small favor to ask." Catherine said to me. I smiled, staring at her for a second before speaking.
"Catherine, I've known you for, quite some time. Small isn't in your vocabulary."
"Oh, child, please. I promise, this is just a small favor. I'd like you to keep an eye on Richard. He's been distant and I know that you guys are close so maybe he'll open up to you."
"You want me to spy on him?"
"No. I just need... a health report."
"Mom." He laughed.
"What? He's been spending all his time at Grey-Sloan. When he comes home, he barely says a word to me, only eats dinner and goes to bed. I just need to know if he's okay."
"You bought the man's hospital to spite him, ma. Is he supposed to, just, fall back into your arms?"
"Yes! Finally, someone gets it." She threw her hands up.
I shook my head, placing Kai on the floor, taking that as my cue to finish packing.

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery
Fanfiction✨ Complete ✨ follow Sage Bailey's journey as she conquers the halls of Grey-Sloan. a kick-ass neonatologist & pediatrician just trying to save lives and survive while dealing with a pretty-eyed man, who happens to be the love of her life.