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"I'm here. Lay on me,I can be your strength,"

I hardly cry on what he said.

I still hugging him under the same umbrella with the hard rains. We stay like this for a moment.

I can't still dissolve all the informations I heard. I live with a lies. I thought my family were perfect...happy. but I'm wrong. Yes we have the money,the descent house,the power but it's not what it is. We live in lies.

I thought my mom and dad are lovers but they're just tied with the responsibilities and it's my mom's fault...no it's not.she just trapped for her feelings. Her love is like a dangerous poison.

"Let's go back to the chapel. The clouds are continuing to cry hard just like you."

He guided me to go back to the chapel and I saw some of the people's are staring at me. I know what they are thinking. They can't believe about the sudden revelations untold..so am I.

Me and Noah walked towards the coffin where I saw Tita Annie and Yven.

Tita Annie saw me and she just looked away. I thought she was going to scolded me and blame me too like what she did to mom but I'm wrong.

We reached the coffin and Yven notice our presence near besides her. She looked at me and raise brows.

"Why are you here?"

I'm afraid the way she looks at me.

"I-i just wanted to apologize,"I said.

She smiled sarcastically. "May I asked you? Is your apologize can bring my dad's life back?" I didn't answer. "I guessed,it's not?"

"I'm so sorry Yven,but I mean it. I mean what I said. I'm willing to do anything just forgive me please."

I'm so desperate for her forgiveness. I'm so desperate to the point that I'm willing to do anything for her just to forgive me.

I ain't used to it. I'm used to be friends with her.

"You wanted to do something? Then go leave and never show your face to me,"she sharply said.

I reached her arms. "No,no. Yven please. No. I'm here to be your shoulders. I know your in pain. Please let me stay here, we're best friends."

She laughed so fucking hard and it's steel the audience attentions.

"You think we're best friends huh? Not anymore," she said and get her arms from me holding it. "Guard,guard,guard!"she yell.

The guard suddenly came. "What is it ma'am?"

Yven clapped her hands. "Get that girl out of this room,"she pointed me.

The guard immediately get my arms. "Kindly follow me ma'am for you not to forcely out of this room."

I'm trying to steel my arms from the guard holding it but they were stronger than me. I can't escape.

I looked at Tita Annie asking for help but she just looking at me with no emotions.

What happened to you Tita Annie? You're not like this.

I looked at Yven. "Yven,don't do this. Please let me see Tito Tamil for the last time. Just this one..please,"

She just raised a brows and acting like she can't hear me.

"I don't know that you have this attitude Yven. You saw that Eryx are wet by the rain then you didn't even get and let her borrow piece of cloths. I'm disappointed,Yve."

I looked at Noah who seems mad.

He walked at my direction and asked the guard to get off me.

Noah guided me to be out of the chapel. We went outside the chapel.

"Why do Yven can't accept my apologies? I never seen her like this Noah. She was eaten by her anger to the point that she doesn't know what she's saying."

Noah grabbed my waisted and get me come closer to him. He held my head and place it on his shoulders.

"Understand her Eryx. Her mind are closed right now. She can't even think properly. She's devastated."

I understand Noah. I know, I'm the reason of all this shits. I know I am the reason of Tito Tamil's sudden death. I'm a shit.

"I know what you're thinking. Stop blaming yourself,Eryx."

Noah why are you like this? you're too understanding. Do I deserve a partner like you?

Suddenly the breeze came. It was cold.

"Are you cold?"he asked and I nod.

"Stay here. I'll just get my car so we can stay there until the rain stopped."

He walked away and I just here standing.

I'm not mad at you Yven. I understand why you able to said those foul words.

I can't blame you. I know you're a good friend. You're just being eaten by anger and devastation by Tito Tamil's sudden death.

I know you really loves your father so much. I know how important he is to you. How can I be able to hate you?I know,I can't.

If you hate me. I hate myself more.

Unexpectedly,a girl approached me.

"Hey,are you Eryx Cornella?"she said and I just nod.

I smiled weakly. "What can I do for you,Miss..?"

"Just call me A."she smiled.

I noticed her holding a piece of cloths. She noticed me looking at it.

"Ah here,get this. Change your cloths,"she said and give me a piece of cloths.

I accepted her offer. "Thank you,"

She smiled and walked away.

Miss A,looks familiar. I think I met her before but I can't recognize how,where and when?

God are still care for me.

Suddenly a car stopped at my direction and Noah came out of the car.

He walked towards me and noticed what I'm holding.

"Where did you get those?,"he asked pointing the piece of cloths.

"A woman gave it to me,"He nod.

"Change your cloths on the car. Dont worry no one can't see you. My car is tinted,"

I nod and it's a sign for him to guide me walked at the car.He open the car for me to let me in.

I immediately undress my self and I noticed that. All of the cloths a woman gave are new.

There's a piece of undies still on the packaging and a shirts and shorts. Im confused where did she get those but I'm thankful that she gave it to me at least I can now change my clothes.

I'm cold.

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