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Days had passed and it's second semester. My grades in all sub were fine. I'm not that smart but I survive the first semester,my lowest grade in all subjects are 2.5 and it's fine with me.

"This second semester. I hope that all of you are keep on learning and building a memories in college life."

I'm listening to Professor Domingo who's talking in front of the class. Yven is besides me looking at the board,she looks bankrupt.

"By the way students the Dean told me and my co-professor's that the Tourism department on College of Canadian Acads or CCA are offering the school an opportunity to study abroad and it is called the exchange student program. I think all of you are now thinking why it announced late. Well, I don't know too,"

Oh my God. Exchange student? Canada?such a blessings and an opportunity.

"So class I highly recommended the top in our class that the grade are all flat 1. So Yven kindly join me," My mouth form an 'O'.

Well it's not surprising. Yven is indeed smart,she always says that she didn't do review but at the end of the exams still she's the one who got the high grades. How unfair,I'm not smart as like her.

Professor Domingo started to search where Yven's chair was and when he looked at Yven. She was still stunned.

What with this girl? I noticed that she's missing-in-action. It's like something is bothering her.

"Ms. Fuccaci?" The professor called her.

I patted Yven because she was still stunned by the white board in front of her. She came to her senses and smiled sparingly at me.

"Ms. Fuccaci,let's go to the dean's office. The Dean's wants to talk to you. Class dismissed,"

That's it. They went out and started packing their belongings. I left the classroom and followed Yven to the dean's office.

I am not sure if she wants to accept the offer. I can't read her actions. She's a woman whose hard to read. She can hide her emotions. I hope I can too.

While walking towards the office,I met Noah.

"I heard the news. Yven was chosen to be the Exchange student to Canada right?" He asked me.

I'm a bit shocked when he started talking to me. At first,I thought he would just continue to walked but he approached me.

Omygosh for the first time in forever he did a first move to talk to me! Oh my gosh for the record!

"Ah yes,she is. She's the leader in the class so she's the one who was chosen," I replied to him while holding my bag tightly,as if I was gaining strength so as not to fall.

"What news? Did she take the opportunity?"

"That's what I don't know,Noah. I'm going to Dean's Office now because Yven is talking to Dean. Do you want to come with me?"

He nodded and we started walking. I thought he was walking next to me woah my boobs was crashing.

Kidding,my heart is pounding. Chill heart..chill. While we were walking,some people were waving and greeting,Noah. Campus heartthrob,eh?

"Ah Noah,let's just go outside first so they can still talk inside. It's embarrassing so we can disturb them."

He nodded and leaned against the wall near the office door.

Noah Vos,a 6'2 feet man. Well,he's Moreno. You can clearly saw muscularity in him

In short my type.

A few minutes later,the door of the Office opened and Prof. Domingo came out. It was a bit shock that Noah and I were outside but eventually it left as well. Next to him who came out was Yven with a smile.

Her earlier lost face was replaced by a smile.

When she got out she was a little surprised and didn't seem to expect to see Noah and me together.

"Ahm Hi! Why are you here? You should have waited for me at the Coffee Shop outside and then just texted me,you're still waiting," Yven said.

"Yven, did you accept the offer?"

Noah's sudden question even surprised me because he was quiet and just looking straight at Yven.

Did he against it? Why does it seems like he was more affected than me?I hate it but my mind are finding it malicious.

"Ah, can we have a snack first hahaha, I'm hungry."

Tsss excuses Yven,not sales.

Noah just nodded and started to walked away. Yven looked at me but I didn't uttered a word. I followed Noah until we reached the cafeteria.

I don't know what to react. I know that I am not the one who was going to decide here if she wants to accept the offer. Who am I? I am just her friend.

Yven was chewing Red Velvet Cake. Noah asked again.

"So, what is it ... did you accept?" He said and drinking coffee.

It's not that obvious that he didn't care huh? Of course it's obvious! Did she like Yven?Why my friend?all of the people,why her? Crap. Eryx stopped it. Yven won't betray you.

"Ahhhh is that being an Exchange student who will be sent to Canada?"she said as she stood up to take a tissue from the center table.

"Yeah," was Noah's short reply.

"Hmmm Prof. Domingo said that the offer was good because it was only once an opportunity,so I accepted it."

There's no traced of hesitations and fear as she announced that she do accept the offer.

My jaw dropped because of what she said.

"What? Why,did I hear you right? you accept the offer? How are we? How am I? Will you leave me in the Philippines? Hey are you serious,Yven? you really traded me there for that exchange student program," I was not able to contain myself.

She smiled sparingly, probably because she was guilty. "I'm sorry Eryx. I just don't want to waste the opportunity they give. Many of us dream that they would just be in my position now but I'm the lucky one. So I accepted,I hope you understand me Eryx. This year I've only been abroad and I'm going home again. "

I didn't say a word and just shrugged my shoulders. I know I can't change her decision. She already accepted the offer. There's no way of turning back. I have nothing to do but to just support her. As long as it is good for her,I'll just support her.

There was a moment of silence around us. Noah broke that silence.

"I'm not against your decision Yven,but Canada is far away. You always call us and always be careful. You also always call when you have a problem or if something bad happened,Alright?"

"Alright Master,Noah." Yven smiled at him and the two of them even hugged.

Woahhh Yven. Yven Fake friends. Yven's slitting my crush,hmp tss.

After that they both looked at me and seemed to be waiting for what I would say.

All my life. Only now will Yven be separated. Since childhood,we have hardly been separated. Not a day goes by that we don't meet. Now she still plans to study in Canada but she's willing to go because she wants to maybe that will motivate her to just be a Flight Attendant.

"Ok fine,I'm willing but take care of yourself there. Then don't forget. We're just separated now,you're so big so I'll remind you. So,you can be yourself but if you have a problem just call me."


She hugged me. Her face was full of joy because I allowed her to take the offer to study abroad. It's not because we are poor and we can study abroad if we want but I prefer teaching here in the Philippines.

When you have a friend who wants to do something,support him but don't give in if what he wants to do is no longer humane. Remember a true friend can reprimand you and correct the wrong things you are doing. A true friend you don't even get along with,you don't even see but in his heart you are there.

That's the real meaning of friendship.

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