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It's been a year. When I decided to finally move on and go away from the memories of the past I realized a lot of things.

I realized that if you want to do something but there's a part of you that stopping to do it. You can do it. Do what stops you. Go away from your comfort zone because that's the only reason for you to keep on forward..to keep on moving.

If you loose consider it as a reward. The more the scars on your soul,the stronger you were. That's what I've learned from my previous life when I decided to live alone.

"Eryx do you want to do the safety demonstration?"

I looked at my senior. She's smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Yes please.." she nodded at me and give me the radio telephone when it's connected to the speaker all over the airplane.

" Ladies and gentlemen my name is Eryx Cornella together with Jellyan Eugenio, Ethel Padre and Denden Ramos. Captain Ichiro Takahashi is in command assisting him is First Officer Haijin Roca. Our flight to Philippines will take about 4 hours and 30 minutes."

I saw my co-cabin crew member started to position themselves.

"In the meantime,please give your attention to the crew member Jellyan Eugenio and Ethel Padre, in front of you who will now demonstrate the use of the safety on this aircraft,"

I stopped for the meantime and I look at my co cabin crew. I'm waiting for the signal if they're now okay. They nodded at me and I smiled.

"First fasten your seatbelt like this and tighten it. To release it,lift this catch. Now the use of your life vest, your life vest is under your seat. To use it slip the best over your head and bring the waist strap around your waist,connect the clip and tighten the strap by pulling it outwards. To inflate your life vest, full the red tabs firmly downwards. To inflate it further,blow into one of these mouth pieces. You should inflate your life vest only at the exist door. For attracting attention you can use the whistle and the light. Please note that the life vest are meant for use in an emergency. Removing the life vest in any other circumstances can jeopardize the safety of passengers and is a criminal offense."

I stop for a moment and I look at the passengers. They're busy listening in me but some are already asleep. I smiled.

"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure an Oxygen mask will automatically drop from the compartment above. Pull the mask down sharply to activate the flow of oxygen. Place the mask over your nose and mouth; place the elastic strap over your head and tighten it by pulling the end of strap. Remain calm and breathe normally. Your oxygen supply are now regulated and it's normal that the oxygen bag may not fully inflate. If you are traveling with a child,attend to yourself first then to the child."

I say all of the safety demonstration need by the passengers to have a safety trip. This is one of the airline protocol that you need to do. They want to ensure the safety of all the passengers.

After I say all of the safety demonstration and after my co-workers instructed what to do we all bow our heads and we started to walk to the airplanes kitchen area. We prepare all the food and serve it to the passengers. After that,the trip goes fine.

We go to our designated area.

"You did a great job for a beginner like you Eryx. Good job," my senior told me and I smiled wide.

"Thank you,"

Damn. I did it! Another dream unlocked. When I'm on training I told to myself that someday I gonna instructed the safety demonstration and I never expect that on my 2 months in the service our seniors trusted me to instructed the safety demonstration. Im glad that I didn't disappoint them.

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