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Because I am the son of Lisette Severo. Those words are keep on playing in my head.

I didn't expecting that the former president and one of the known and valuable business tycoon are having this feeling.. Loathing someone,wishing someone's suffering,losing its track and be a living messed.

Who would have thought that after all the powers he had. He can't still give justice to her mom who was one of my mom's victim according to him.

"Eryx,do your job!"

I go backed to my sense when I heard one of my seniors yelling.

I'm here on my mom's company and I placed on the lobby to entertain some of the guests. I was about to say something to the senior who yelled at me but my mom interrupted me.

"Don't yell at my daughter,you dumb-ass,"mom muttered to the senior who yelled.

The senior bite her lower lips and say sorry to my mom..mom just rolled her eyes.

Mom faced me and smile. "You don't need to do this. I can just sign your paper. Come with me at my office."

I nod and leave what I about to do. I followed mom as she walked towards her office. Some of the employees are greeting her but she didn't mind saying thank you.

Unlike Tita Annie whose jolly in work yet professional..Well what I see now are the opposite of her. Mom didn't value her employee it's what I've see.

"Take a sit,"mom commanded.

I sit on one of the couch here in her office. I watch mom as she remove her blazer. She sat down on her chair and looked at me.

"It's now lunch. What do you want to eat?"she asked.

I heard that her secretary are not around because mom commanded her to bring the gifts to Vos Holdings where Noah's father owns and managing. Its a perfect time.

"Mom I wanted a Palabok,please.."I pleaded.

She laughs at me and giggled. "I'll have you one. Just stay here and I just buy two for us. I didn't trust anyone here. They might put a poison in our food."

She stood up and walked away. Suddenly I just left here alone.

Even mom are didn't trusting all of her employees,why so? because she didn't treat them right and I can see that they're just doing they part as an employee. I understand them. Its hard to find another job.

I smiled when I remember that I can now see all of my mom's files here.

I just need something that can be a strong evidence that will support Noah's theory.

I pulled one of the cabinet and I saw nothing but company files. I pushed it and pulled one.

My eyes widened when I saw a different flash drive. I get one and open my mom's laptop.

Damn password!

I tried my mom's birthday but it failed.

I tried my kuya and my birthday but it failed.

I tried dad's birthday.

Oh God! It's the right password!

She really loves my father this much huh? She even make my dad's birthday a password huh?There's no doubt she's crazy in love.

I put the flashdrive on the socket and I waited a second for the laptop to read it. I open the file and I saw a one video.

I'm shock!

"Any last will testaments,Tamil?" Mom said holding a pillow.

Tito Tamil's looked at the camera sharply. Mom was probably the one who hold it.

"You think you won? Well just like what Annie said you're nothing but a piece of shits.Annie didn't have an affair with your husband. You knew the truth."

"Shut up!"

Tito Tamil laughed a little,I can say that he's not okay but he managed to talked.

"Why is there a pain knowing the truth that you just seduce your husband? Is it hard being with Arturo for the sake of the child? We all know that he didn't love you,poor thing."

Suddenly the camera was hard to understand because of its changing position.

I watched as the camera changing it's position in a snap. I could say that mom are doing something now.

Suddenly the camera stopped it's angle on Tito Tamil's. I can see that he's in a deep sleep but I heard the sound of the machine on the hospital where you can see the heart rate of the patient. I can clearly see that it's on flatline.

I didn't finish watching the video because I heard a familiar sound of stilletos. I keep the flashdrive on my Blazer socket and delete all the files. I opened on my mom's laptop and back it from it's position a while ago.

I sat down on my chair and act nothing's happened.

"I bought your favorite,"mom said jolly.

I smiled at her and watch her as she opened the foods and sat down.

"Here have it. Let's eat."

I smiled again before I accept the food and drinks.

I keep on smiling because smiles can hide thousands of emotion.

I loathed my mom now. She's not just a devil and psycho but she's also a criminal!

I don't want to eat but I managed. I eat as fast as I can and when I'm done,I faced my mom.

"Mom I need to go. Noah and I are having a date."

She smiled. "You can now go."

I nodded and started to walked away. I stopped walking when I notice that I'm far from mom's office.

I texted Noah that I'm going to their house. I didn't wait for his response and started to walk again.

Damn, mom. How can you do things like these? I was just putting you and all of my guts are true!? I can't believe!

I entered my car and drove away from the devil's company. Its not rush hour so in just a minute,I'm now here in Vos mansion.

The guard noticed my car and opened it for me. I didn't mind the guard parked my car.

I walk fast just to find Noah. I know he's here. He said it.

I saw Noah and Tito Alejandro on the dining table and they're watching something on laptop.

I saw it and I can't help my self from crying.

Damn mom you're so cruel.

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