Our Training Has Just Begun

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After that faithful day where Deku agree to be trained by Stain become a vigilante, staying told Deku to head to a curtain location where he could start his training, while he was heading there he had to take a train and a bus to get to the location he needed to be, he ended up going to a shady part of the city where they were a lot of abandoned buildings due to the damage from heroes and villains fighting one another, he managed to make it to a abandoned warehouse where the address Stain gave him is at, he stepped in cautiously and began looking around.


"H-hello, Mr. Stain are you here?"

Suddenly Deku heard a loud thump from behind him, he turns his head slowly and sees no one, when he turns back around he suddenly welcome with a fist to the face which knocked him off of his feet, as he was getting up he saw Stain standing over him.


"Rule number one, never let your guard down.

Stain grabs Deku by his shirt and lifts him back to his feet and cleans him off.


"D-did you really needed it to hit me?"


"Of course, how else would you learn the lesson faster, and this brings me to rule number two listen to what I always have to say even if it sounds crazy, got it?"




"Now that you know rule one and two this brings me to tell you rule number three and that is."

Suddenly staying pulled out his sword and pointed it in front of Deku's face which filled his body with fear.


"Don't die on me."

From hearing him say that Deku's the fear that filled his body begin to fade away and was replaced with Joy.


"I won't let you down Stain."

Suddenly stain hit him on the head with the bottom part of his sword.


"It's sensei, get it right."


"S-sorry, I will next time."


"All right let's start training."

To start the training Stain told Deku to stand on one foot on a beam.


"Umm sensei I'm confused, how is this training?"


"It will help you with balance and your reflexes as well."


"I understand the balance but how would this help me with my reflexes."


"Oh you'll see."

Staying with behind the pillar and grab the basket filled with tomatoes, he suddenly started throwing them at Deku, he managed to dodge 3 but the 4th hit him in his face which made him fall off the beam and land on some sandbags below, stain went over to Deku and stood over him and looked down and wiped off the tomato on his face.


"Now do you understand the reflexes."


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