The Final Stand

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It didn't take too long for Deku and Mei to make it where Bakugou was, they landed on a rooftop nearby to see Bakugou surrounded by the league of villains an unconscious Heroes behind them, but there was also a man in a suit and wearing some sort of helmet that covered his face, but Deku didn't care about him, all he cared about was getting Bakugou out of there.


"So what's our plan?"


"I don't really know, if we go down there and try to take them on ourselves and I'm sure we might have a chance against the league, but that other guy in that strange helmet, I don't know what will happen if we try to face against him."


"Hmm, you may be right, we don't know what he could do?"


"It's best that we make up a plan quickly instead of jumping in there without knowing what's going to happen, so come on let's think of something."



As they were about to discuss a plan Mei suddenly spot something over a wall off the corner of her eye.


"Hey what's that over there?"



Deku looks over at the direction Mei is pointing at me and see something as well on the other side of a wall, Deku then reaches  behind him and pulls out his he's binocular where he then looks through and zooms in to see four people hiding behind a wall.


"Mei they have a problem."

Deku passes his binocular over to Mei where she then looks through it and sees the exact same thing he saw.


"Oh shoot, those are students of UA."


"What?, How do you know?"


"My goggles let me identify anyone even if they're facing backwards, and my goggles are telling me that these four a student of UA."


"What are they doing here?"


"No clue, but if I had to guess then maybe they're here to save that Bakugou guy too."


"Yeah I think so too, but I don't think they're able to even try to save him.'


"So what do you want to do?, Plans of saving only Bakugou are completely out the window now."


"Yeah I know, we have to get Bakugou and those other four out of here before anything series happens around here."


"Yep we sure do."

After a short minute Deku and Mei had a plan would say then put into action, as Bakugou was doing his best to hold his own against the League Villains Deku suddenly appears from above and then right in front of Bakugou.


"You again?"


"Damn it, what is it going to take to lose this brat?"

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