Breaking Free

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A few days have passed since Deku and Bakugou where captured by the league of villains, and ever since that day Mai has been modifying the Canary enough to save Deku, since that night he suddenly disappeared at the training camp Mei tracked him down by his earpiece which was no problem for her, once Mei found his location she knew that she'll have to get him out of there at any means possible.


"Don't worry Midoriya I'm coming for ya."

Back at the leagues hideout Deku was still strapped to that chair, time to time Shigaraki will come in the room he was in and that's personal questions that Deku didn't want to answer, but refusing to answer those questions he ended up getting beaten until answer the questions, but on this day when the door was open Deku saw Kurogiri Walk In by himself, Kurogiri walk over towards Deku and stood over him.


"Are you awake?"

Deku doesn't respond with words instead he responds back with a groan from from the bits of pain.


"I'll take that as a yes, by tomorrow morning you'll be taken away somewhere, I cannot tell you where but just keep this in mind, you will not die, that is all."

Kurogiri turned away from Deku and proceeded to walk towards the door where he opens it and steps out, leaving Deku alone in the dark once again where he began crying from knowing that he's failed everyone.

~Deku's mind~

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry Kacchan, I'm sorry sensei, I failed and this is my punishment for my failure."

But as Deku was crying he suddenly had a flashback about him and Stain in the middle of his combat training, Stain punches Deku so hard that he causes him to fly into the air which he then hit the ground, Stain goes up to Deku and stands over him.


"Can you still fight?"


"N-no sensei I can't."


"Hmm is that so?, Then that means your training is over today."

Stain then walks away from Deku and went back inside of the base, Deku sits up from the ground and begin doubting himself about his strength, but as Deku was doing that Stain suddenly returned back to the rooftop where he held to water bottles in his hands.


"Hey catch."

Stain toss is one of the bottles of water towards Deku which even caught in his hands, after that he went over towards Deku and sat down next to him what she then begin drinking from his water, as they were sitting side by side Deku was looking at the water bottle that he held in both of his hands.


"Umm s-sensei... Ha...


"What is it?"


"Do you... Ever regret training me."

As Stain was about to take another sip of his water he stops to turn his head over towards Deku where he was looking up at him.


"Why would you say that?"


"I-I don't mean to offend you in any way sensei, it's just that I'm not as strong as you, and I feel that I'm wasting your time by training me, if you want to stop training me then I under-"

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