Sensei's Secret

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After a long day at UA all of class 1A began to get ready to head home, but as everyone was getting ready to leave there was only one student not ready to leave yet, and that was Ochako Uraraka, she stayed behind to finish some class work that she really want to get done before heading home, so she stayed in the classroom until she's finished all of her work, has a couple hours passed by she finally finished but after being done with her work she noticed that the sun was setting already, so she she packed her school work into her bag and proceeded to leave the school to head over to the train station, once you made it to the train station she got on to the first train that arrived, as she was riding the train she began overhearing the people on the train talking about the vigilante, and just from hearing the vigilante she began to wonder on who is this person that is willing to break the law a lot to save others, she thought about that until the train stopped at her destination, I should begin to walk home the sun has fully set and the night sky was above her.


"Wow it really turned night fast, I better get home fast."

But Uraraka was walking she suddenly heard a scream in the distance, she quickly ran towards the direction where the screen came from until she turned a corner into an alleyway and saw a male figure holding a metal staff and standing over two unconscious men, the male figure turns his head over to Uraraka's direction, just from seeing her made him quickly leave by jumping side to side to the walls of the alleyway until finally making it to the rooftops.


"Was that just the vigilante that everyone has been talking about?"

As soon as Uraraka said that she noticed a frighten girl in the alleyway as well, she rushes over to her and comforts her right away, Uraraka then takes out her phone and begins to call the police, the police arrived a few minutes after Uraraka made the call, they took those two unconscious man into custody and drove the young girl home, but as all that was happening The Crow was on the other side of the street on top of one of the buildings observing.

~Deku's mind~

"It was a pretty good thing that that girl came along to call the police."

Suddenly Deku heard of footstep behind it and quickly turned around and saw Stain."


"Oh sensei you're finally back, did you finish your task that you needed to get done?"


"Yeah I did, and judging by the police down there means that you stop some trouble."


"Yeah I did, there was two muggers trying to rob a young girl, I got there in time and stopped them right away."


"Good, now come on let's move, there's more bad people that need to be put down."


"Yes right away sensei."

Deku and Stain then proceeded to run through the rooftops to find any more criminals, after running through the rooftops they managed to stop a few more muggers and a purse snatcher, but after that there weren't any criminals around which meant the both of them to go back to the base.


"It seems tonight was a bit more calmer."


"So we're going to call it a night?"


"Yes, now hurry home."


"Before I get changed and head home I want to talk to you about this the hero killer that's been on the news recently."


"Go after him and try to stop."

Stain turned around and looked straight towards the city to not face Deku.


"I'm sorry but no, this hero killer is able to defeat heroes on his own, so I don't think that you will be be able to defeat him."


"But if you work together I'm sure we can stop hi-"



Deku was shocked when he heard Stain raised his voice towards him, Deku then proceeds to walk towards the rooftop door, as Deku opened the door he stood in the door's entrance.


"Umm sensei, do you think I could get a day off next weekend."




"W-well next week is the UA sports festival and I was thinking about going."


"Fine do what you want, I have some other business to attend to next weekend as well."


"T-thank you sensei, I'll see you tomorrow night."

Deku then proceeds to get changed and and then head to the train stations to go home, but as he was heading home Stain remained on the rooftop staring at the city in peace, what is then interrupted when a crow lands on the ledge.


"Oh this whole time you finally show up again, and I'm guessing that you might know what I've been truly doing."

The crow looked at him and caw's at him and then proceeds to fly away in the direction Deku was heading to, stain looked at as it flew away and gave it a menacingly glare, he then reached into his back pocket and pulled out a notebook and pencil, he opens the notebook and crosses out a name written inside, he turns the page and begins to write another name and that name was Tensei Iida also known as Ingenium.

~To be continued~

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