The Attack Of The City Of Hosu

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A few days have passed by since Deku fought against Stain, he hasn't been out being the crow those past few days, instead he stayed home every time School ended, but there will be times where Deku thinks about going back out there to take down Stain, but since their last fight Deku he couldn't handle him in a one on one, so one day as Deku was walking from school he sees a television through the window, it was a news report about Stain and the recent sightings he's been committing his murders, he looks away and continues walking but as he was walking away stops and turns around and proceeds the head over to the train station, once he arrived he quickly got into a train and proceeded to ride it until he made it back at the location where stain trained him, after the train arrived Deku got off and proceeded to walk to the base, he arrived at the base very quickly, as Deku was walking around he noticed that Stain wasn't there, so he just continued walking around, but as he was walking he headed to the empty room where he changed in and found his duffle bag filled with his own equipment, as Deku laid his hand on his duffel bag he suddenly felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, so he pulls it out open this phone and see that is a news report, news report says that the city of Hosu is being attacked buy some sort of creatures, as Deku was reading the news report realize that the city of Hosu was the same city that stain fought ingenium in, so Deku grab the duffle bag and started changing into his gear, once you finish changing he went over to the case that had his bo staff, he then proceeded to head straight to the roof top, once he was up there proceeded to jump on other rooftops to make it to the nearest bullet train, as he arrived at bullet train he quickly jumped on top of as he was starting to leave, the train was moving so fast that he had to hold on to it one of the railings so it wouldn't fall off.

~Deku's mind~

"I'm nearly there, the city of Hosu should be up ahead."

As the train arrived at Hosu Deku begin thinking on how he's going to get off safely, but as he was thinking of a way to get off the train car ahead of him suddenly had something crashed into it which makes the train stop, Deku quickly runs over to the train car ahead of him jumps down, once he arrived he saw this giant with its brain sticking out of the top, Deku grabs his bo stuff and jumped in it's back and lodges it in between the brain which causes the monster to fall on the ground, he pulls his bo staff out it's brain and proceed to leave the train as quickly as possible, he jumps on to the nearest rooftop and proceeds to head towards the location where Stain might be in, but as he was running through the rooftops there was two other people standing on a water tower looking over the burning City.


"Where is that damn hero killer, I want to see how he can handle against my nomus."

As Shigaraki was looking for the hero killer in his binocular's Kurogiri notice something coming from the train's direction.


"Tomura, I see something in the distance of the train."


"What is it?"


"Over there."

Shigarak looks towards the direction where Kurogiri is pointing at, as he looks through his binoculars he noticed the figure in a black hoodie and holding some sort of stuff.


"Who the hell is that?"


"I do not know."


"Well whoever they are, they're going to die if they try to stop my nomus."

~To be continued~

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