Let There Be Light

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After Deku assisted Tiger to take down those villains he then listened to his orders to go save the rest of the students that were still in the forest, as he was running through the trees he noticed that it was getting quite dark each time he got further into the forest, but as he was running he saw a big black cloth come out of the darkness to swipe at him, he luckily dodges it by rolling to the side, he goes to reach for something behind him but he was suddenly stopped when he was grabbed from the back of his  jacket, he was pulled in and being held by by this big person with multiple arms.


"Hey get your-"

Right before he could finish his sentence the person placed his hand over his mask to keep him from speaking any further.


"Don't raise your voice or else dark Shadow will notice us."


"W-what are you talking about and who are you?"


"I should be asking you that, are you on the villains?"


"No I'm not, I'm The Crow."


"The vigilante?"


"Yes so could you please tell me what's going on."


"Fine, to start my name is Mezo Shoji and that thing that just tried to attack you is my classmate Fumikage Tokoyami."




"I know that might be hard to believe but trust me that is my friend and that thing is Dark Shadow his quirk, he's lost control of it because of what happened to me."


"What did happen?"


"Earlier we encountered a villain which attacked us, I protected my friend but it cost me one of my hands."


"Oh my gosh are you okay?"


"Yes I'm perfectly fine, my quirk allows me to grow limbs even replace the ones I lost, but when my friends saw that he lost control and went on a rampage, now he will attack anything that tries to get close to him."


"Is there any way we could save him?"


"Yes there is but we're going to need something bright, his quirk gets weaker if it's exposed to extreme brightness like the sun, two of my classmates could help with that but I have no clue where they are."


"Hmm I see, but I think I could help with that."


"You do?"


"Yeah I do, all you need to do is follow my plan."


"All right I'm all ears."

After Deku explained his plan to shoji they then started put it into action, Shoji placed Deku back ground and started picking up some rocks with his hands, once all of his hands were filled with rocks he then threw them towards the opposite direction where Tokoyami what's facing, when all the rocks were thrown they hit some trees and bushes that made some noises to attract Dark Shadow's attention which he began attacking there, as he was doing that Deku ran out from behind a tree and he stood on the pathway that Dark Shadow was on.



From yelling that out Dark Shadow turned towards the direction Deku was standing at.

~Dark Shadow~


And with no hesitation Dark Shadow swiped towards Deku with his claws, as the club was about to hit him Deku duck to the ground, once the claw swiped past him he got back on his feet and began running straight towards Dark Shadow, as he was running he reached behind his back and pulled out his grappling hook and aimed at a branch, he shot his grappling hook straight up there and it perfectly wrapped around the, but once that happened Dark Shadow was about to swipe his claws straight up Deku once again, but before claw got close Deku pressed a small button that was on the grappling hook which then propelled him towards the branch, as Deku was getting closer he then swung straight towards Dark Shadow which he then let go of the handle of the grappling hook, once Deku did that he was now right above Dark Shadow which he begin roaring at him from seeing them in the air, Deku reach behind with both hands and pull out two grenades, he pulls both of the pins and throws them straight into Dark Shadow's roaring mouth which she began falling into, right before Dark Shadow was about to close his beak the two Denise then explode which causes a giant flash of light which made Dark Shadow wore out of pain, from the brightness of those two flash grenades makes Dark Shadow retreat into Tokoyami's body which event lands onto the ground which he then began rubbing the top of his head, now that dark shadow retreated within him Shoji came from behind the tree and ran over towards Tokoyami, once he got close he got into his knees and carefully begin picking up his friend.


"Are you all right Tokoyami?"


"Yes I am, thank you very much my friend."


"Anytime, but you should be thinking him instead of me."

Shoji and Tokoyami look over towards Deku who is retrieving his grappling hook from the tree branch he shot up to, he places it behind him and turns around to face the two.


"So you were the one that saved me?"


"Yes I did but I couldn't do it alone, thank you Shoji so your assistance."


"No thank you, I am now in your debt Crow."


"So am I, thank you very much."

Under Deku's mask he smiled to hear Yokoyama and Shoji thank him for what he has done, but that was then cut short when an explosion was then heard behind him, Deku turned around and saw explosions going off in the distance.



And without saying a single word Deku begin running straight towards the direction the explosions were coming from.



Shoji and Yokoyama were confused on why Deku was running straight towards that direction.


"Wherever he's going we should follow him."


"Are you sure about that?"


"Yes I am positive, we can't let him face all these villains alone."


"You're right let us go."

Shoji and Yokoyama then got back on their feet and began following Deku straight towards the direction he was headed, little did they know they were being watched the entire time.

~Mr. Compress~

"Hmm I know we are here to collect Katsuki Bakugou but that other boy Fumiaki Tokoyama might be a worthy candidate as well.

~To be continued~

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