The Vigilante Is A Criminal

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After Bakugou bumped into Deku this morning he began thinking on how he's been taking care of himself, but he also thought that Deku will at least try to enroll into UA, the reason Bakugou thought that way was because he noticed back when they were going to middle school that Deku was changing physically, it was strange but he trained but never came to UA to enroll as well, and it made him curious on what exactly he was training for.


"Hey Bakugou are you all right?"


"Yeah I'm fine."


"Good, you looked like you were out of it today."


"Whatever, just leave me alone shitty hair."


"Aww Don't be like that bro."

Suddenly the class door opens and Mina and Denki step into the classroom


"Good morning class 1A."




"Hey morning you two."

Denki and Mina go over to Bakugou and Kirshima just start a conversation, but as they were talking Bakugou ignored theme as usual, but his curiosity with somebody sparked when he heard Denki talk about the latest news.


"So did you guys hear what that Crow guy did last night?"


"Yeah I heard about it, the new said he stopped some weapon traffickers right."


"Sure did."


"Man that guy is so cool, I would love to meet him one day."


"Wow you guys are really into this vigilante guy aren't you."


"Well yeah, he came out of nowhere and began saving people that none of the pro heroes or police couldn't have gotten to them in time."


"Yeah he's great."


"Well I think he's dumb, going out night after night fighting fights that he shouldn't get involved in, taking down the bad guys is the hero's jobs not this mystery guy, I think he should just go back to his shitty no more life and leave all the saving for the heroes instead."


"You really think like that about him, he's actually a great guy that does so much good around the city."


"Yeah kaminari right, whoever this vigilante is has to have good intentions on saving people and stopping the bad guys."


"These two do have a point."


"(Tisk) Whatever he's nothing but a wannabe."

As they finish their talk Aizawa stepped into the classroom which made all the other students get to their desk right away.


"All right everyone before we get started on today's lesson I want to talk to you about something serious and before you ask no it's not a test, it's about the recent news about the Vigilante named The Crow, a lot of you think that he's a hero helping people, but I'm sad to tell you that he's not, being a vigilante is against the law, so if any of you managed to see this vigilante then I want you to call the authorities."

Suddenly Iida raised his hand to ask a question about the vigilante.


"Sir if the vigilante is caught what will happen to him?"


"That's a good question, when he is caught and turned into the authorities he will have a short sentence in prison, after you service time he will be in constant surveillance, but if he tries to become a vigilante again and he will be permanently put in prison."

After Aizawa finished answering Iida's question Uraraka raised her hand to answer question as well.


"Mr. Aizawa, isn't there another option for vigilantes that are caught?"


"It's good that you brought that up Uraraka, there is a second option to vigilantes and that is to become a hero, but usually the vigilantes that are captured choose prison instead, a lot of them have their own motives of being a vigilante."

After her answer was questioned Bakugou raised his hand as well.


"I have a question as well, if I took down that vigilante myself then what would happen."


"Well if a UA student goes after that vigilante then they are foolish to think that they can handle someone as train so much to become a vigilante, it is not a wise option to go after it vigilanteed by yourself, you will end up hurt."


"I have one last question."


"And what is it?"


"If any of us went into this vigilante what should we do?"


"Well if you do then do not try to attack them, they will beat you and leave you on the ground with injuries that that might be fatal to you."

After hearing Aizawa say that the rest of the class we need to silence."


"I see that no one has any more questions which means we can start our lesson, now everyone take out your textbooks and turn to page 28."

~To be continued~

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