The Vigilante VS The Villains

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As Deku was running through the woods with Kota on his back he suddenly saw someone in the distance, Deku stopped right in front of him which alarmed him as well.


"Are you one of the villains that are attacking?"


"What, no I'm not I'm-

Deku is suddenly cut off when Kota jumped off his back and stood in front of him.




"Mr. Aizawa this person saved my life from a villain right now, so he's not a bad person."


"Then who is he?"

As Kota was about to answer Aizawa's question he was then stopped when Deku placed his hand on his shoulder.


"I'm The Crow."


"So you're the crow huh?"


"Yes I am."


"I should bring you into custody since being a vigilanteed is a crime."


"Are you going to?"


"No I'm not, judging by the situation that's going on we're going to need all the help we can get."


"Well it's good that I'm here, because the league of villains are here for Katsuki Bakugou."


"What how do you know this?"


"Sorry I can't explain now, I have to go find Bakugou, please get Kota to a safe place."

Deku then proceeded to run do the direction he was heading to earlier.



Aizawa was about to follow after Deku what do you send me stopped when Kota grabbed his hand.


"Mr. Aizawa he could handle himself."


"(Sigh) all right then let's get you somewhere safe."

As Aizawa was taking Kota somewhere safer Deku manage to arrive just in time to see two of the wild wild pussycats fighting against two more villains, and they were fighting they suddenly saw Deku running straight towards them.


"Who's that?"


"I don't know he might be another villain."

As the wild pussycats turn the villains were also confused as well.


"Wait I thought we were the only two supposed to go after the wild pussycats?"

~Big Sis Magne~

"We are."

As Deku was running straight towards them the wild pussycats prepared themselves to fight, but they didn't know his real targets were the other two villains, Deku pulls out his grappling hook and aimed it straight at Spinner and fires it, as it was flying straight towards spinner he used his giant sword made of blades to shield himself, grappling hook got close it then went over his blade and began wrapping itself around it which surprised Spinner, as the cord of the grappling hook was was wrapped around his sword Deku and grab it and pulled as hard which disarmed Spinner, his sword was now in front of Deku's feet.

~Big Sis Magne~

"I can't believe you let that guy take your weapon like that without a fight."


"W-w-well I didn't know what he was planning."

~Big Sis Magne~

"Whatever just hurry up and go get your sword back."



Spinner then began to run straight towards Deku to retrieve his sword, but as he was getting closer to him Deku then pulled out his bo staff from his back, as Spinner reach down to get his sword Deku then hit the side of his face with his bow staff, but Spinner shakes off that hit ends up getting back on his feet and looks at Deku with an angry expression.


"You damn bastard this isn't fair, how about you give me back my sword and we'll have a real fight!"

As Deku look at Spinner he couldn't help but to think that this was an unfair fight as well, so in a surprise Deku ends up sliding Spinner's sword back in which he didn't expect him to do at all, spinner picks up his sword and prepares himself to fight Deku, the two of them then run head on towards each other until Deku's bo staff clashed against Spinner's sword, as they were fighting one another Magne thought it'll be a good idea to help spinner but as she was about to run was their direction she was suddenly punched in the face by Tiger.


"Oh no you don't, you're my opponent remember."

~Big Sis Magne~

"Yeah I remember, which means I have to beat you."


"Bring it on!"

As Deku and Tiger were fighting against Magne and Spinner this gave Mandalay a good opportunity to get the students that were with them out of there, during the fight between Deku and spinner he noticed that he was dressed quite similar like Stain, as Deku and Spinner clashed their weapons against one they looked at each other.


"Why are you dressed similar to Stain?"


"Because I'm spreading the teaching of Stain to everyone!"


"And what are those teachings!?"


"To kill those fakes who called themselves heroes and to let the true heroes that are chosen to live!"

From hearing all of that come out of Spinner's mouth made Deku very angry to think that his dead Sensei is remembered cause of that.


"You know nothing."





Deku pushes Spinner's sword upwards which causes him to step back due to the weight of it, but as he was stepping back Deku then twisted his bo staff which turned them into his electric batons, he gets right in front of Spinner's face and shocks him with the batons to his chest, with all the electricity coursing through Spinner's entire body made him trip on to his sword very tightly but unable to move, once Deku pulled his batons away from Spinner he then dropped his sword and fell face first to the ground, as Deku looked at Spinner's unconscious body he then put his bo staff back together and placed it right on his back, he looked over towards the right and saw that tiger has just finished fighting Magne.


"Now stay down."

Tiger looks over towards Deku's direction and points at him.


"You!, Go and protect the other students I'll stay here and make sure these two don't get up."


"Yes sir!"

Deku then run straight into the forest to lent his assistance to the heroes in need.

~To be continued~

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