Give Him Back

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As Deku and Mei's Canary were pursuing Mr. Compress they weren't getting anywhere closer to him.


"Mei could you make this Canary go a bit faster!?"


"Sorry Izuku but I can't due to the weight."


"Is there really no way for us to get closer to him."


"Well there is one, but I really don't recommend it."


"Just tell me what it is!"


"(Sigh) I added rocket boosters to the canary not too long ago."


"What?, Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


"Because they weren't stable and they're still aren't, if I use them then then I lose control of the Canary and I won't be able and I won't be able to use it, which means you'll be on your own, so I suggest we should come up with something else to get closer to hi-"


"Do it."




"I said do it Mei, if you don't then he would escape with Kacchan, this is our only way to save him, so just do it!"

From hearing him yell that out Mei knew that this would be the only way to save him, so she looked at the big red button that was sealed off in the middle of her controls, but she flips the seal off of the button and hovers her finger above the button.


"Fine, go get them Crow."

Mei precious the button which right away activates the rocket boosters in the Canary, as the rocket boosters came out of the Canaries wings it then shot straight towards Mr. Compress, as the boosters were going off Mr. Compress turned his head to look behind him but when he did that Deku and the Canary crashed into him which made them fly in a rapid speed in the air, but as they were moving in such a speed Deku manages to grab onto Mr. Compress and begins to pry his right hand open, once Mr. Compress's hand was pried open Deku quickly grabbed the marbles, after successfully grabbing the marbles the rocket boosters on the Canary suddenly began shutting down which meant Deku and Compress we're going to hit ground, but before that could happen Deku grabbed onto his bo staff and twisted it to pull out one of his shock batons which he used to shock Mr. Compress's right shoulder so he would lose all feeling in it, after that Deku grabbed onto his back, the both of them then hit the ground but Deku was protected due to using Mr. Compress as a human cushion, Deku stood up on top of Mr. Compress who was grown in pain from the fall, but from doing so he looks up and sees three villains right in front of him, so he quickly grabs the other baton from his back and connects it with the other one to make his bo staff.


"Look it's that guy I was telling you about."


"Who is he?, Let's beat him up and find out!"


"Yeah how about we see who this is."

Toga, Dabi, and Twice then run straight towards Deku which he then began running straight towards them as well, as he was running at the three he knew that this could be an unfair fight but luckily he trained for this, Toga through her knives straight at Deku pretty easily deflected them with his bo staff and making sure none got past him like last time, twice jumped into the air and pulled out his sharp  measuring tape to attack Deku but due to him jumping into the air.

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