The League's Plan

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Knowing the location where the league of villains could be hiding out Deku went alone to investigate, even though Mei wasn't there in person she was watching over him with her robotic Canary and communicating with him with his earpiece while she was in the base, as the train stopped at the location where Mei told him league could be he got off and proceeded to walk around to see if he can spot the bar that Mei also mentioned as well.


"How are you doing down there Midoriya?"


"I'm fine, how about you?"


"Well I kind of want a hot cup of coffee right now, but besides that I'm doing pretty good."


"Haha, that's good to hear, what is that all you wanted to say?"


"Yeah I just wanted to check up on ya, see if you were doing all right."


"I'm glad you worried about me but like I said earlier I'm fine."


"Okay if you say so, I'm going to go fly ahead with the canary to see if I can find the bar."


"Okay then."


"Over and out."

As Mei ended the call and flew ahead with the canary, Deku was left alone with his own thoughts."

~Deku's mind~

"Hatsume you're really a big help, but I can't tell you what I'm going through right now, once I locate the League's hideout I will put their lives to an end so I can revenge my sensei."

As walked around he finally located the bar right when he turned the corner to a street, he looks at the building and sees that there's nothing out of the ordinary, but that doesn't calm his suspicion about the place, he crossed the street over to it and heads through the alleyway, which he then began to contact Mei.


"Hatsume I found the bar."


"Great heading to you now."

A minute later Mei's Canary flew through the alleyway that Deku was waiting in, after that the canary grabbed on to the back of Deku's shirt and began to fly all the way up to the rooftop of the bar, once he was on top of the roof he looked around to see if you can find a way in but didn't see a single thing.


"Damn it there's no way inside."


"Well how about that vent over there."

Mei then flies her Canary over towards the vent which grabs Deku's attention, he goes over to it and begins to unscrew the bolts that were on the hatch of the vent, as he fully unscrewed it he saw that the vent was a bit too small for him.


"I don't think my body could fit through there."


"You may not fit in there but my canary could."


"But I want to see what was going on in there."


"Don't worry, I'll connect the canarie's eye to your phone so you could see what's going on."

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