The Sports Festival

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As Deku's weekend began he started to get ready for the to head over to the UA sports festival, once he finished getting ready he then proceeded to go to the front door to put his shoes on, but as he was doing that his mom approached him.


"Izuku so you're leaving already?"


"Yeah I'm, I'll be back around the evening, I'll also buy you a souvenir if you like."

Deku then stood up and turned over to his mom, Inko placed her hand on his cheek and start smiling at him on how much she's grown.


"Mom is everything okay."


"Of course everything's all right, I'm just so surprised to see my baby grow so much."


"Thanks mom."

Deku then proceeding the hug his mom before heading out, after that he stepped out of his apartment and headed to the train station to take him to UA, but as he was waiting for his train he began to overhear people talk about the hero killer, Deku has been hearing a lot about the hero killer since last week, he really wanted to find the hero killer before anyone else could get hurt be Stain didn't want him to go searching for him at all, even after the day where Stain yelled at Deku about the hero killer he's been a bit distant from Deku ever since.

~Deku's mind~

"Sensei, I hope we can resolve our issues soon."

What's the train arrived Deku go on, even on the train ride to UA everyone still started talking about the hero killer, after the train ride Deku then proceeded to head over to UA, as Deku got close he noticed so many people walking into the entrance of UA, once he was inside as well he began following a big crowd to wear the sports festival was being held, Deku's eyes widen when he saw the giant stadium where all the students of UA participate in the game.


"I can't believe I'm finally here, I've always dreamed about seeing the sports festival in person, and now that I'm here I just know that this years sports festival will be better than the last one."

It was a few minutes until the sports festival could begin so Deku walking around and even getting some food from the vendors to pass the time, but as he was walking he managed to meet Mount lady which he managed to get a picture with, after that Deku then look at the time on his watch and saw that it was nearly time for the events to begin, so he headed straight to the to the stadium, once inside he managed to find a good seat to spectate the games, as it was starting Deku managed to see the students of UA and even getting a glimpse of Bakugou amongst the other students as well, the event started with a obstacle race, the race amongst the other students was very intense especially near the end, in the race Bakugou was nearly to the finish line until another student with white and red hair took the lead and managed to get first place, they announced the first place winner was named Shoto Todoroki, which made Deku quite surprised to see that he was the one to actually beat Bakugou.

~Deku's mind~

"I can't believe it, that Todoroki guy managed to beat Kacchan in the obstacle race, back when we used to go to school together he was the fastest runner in our grade, well I guess in a hero School there has to be students even more amazing then Kacchan."

Once that event was over they moved on to the second event which was the cavalry battle, in this event there will be a team of four, three of the team members will be carrying one of their team members that has a numbered headband which count as points if stolen, and since Todoroki came in first place in the obstacle race he was he was given the headband with the most points, once everyone had their teams the events started, tons of the other students tried to get Todoroki's headband but couldn't do to him using his ice quirk to block them off or making them slip, at the end of the event Todoroki managed to keep his headband throughout the whole game, but a bunch of other students managed to get to get tons of headbands to move on to the third and final event, before the third and final event started there was a short break for the students and spectators, so Deku got up from receipt and went to go get a drink from the vending machine, once he got his drink from the vending machine he leaned against the wall to enjoy it, but as he was leaning against the wall he began thinking about what stain could be doing right now, but as he was doing that he heard a familiar voice.




"Oh hey Kacchan."


"The hell you doing here?"


"Well I came here to see the sports festival of course and I have to say it's so amazing that I imagined, all the students are giving it their all out there and even you Kacchan, I see you pushing yourself harder than before."


"Well of course, I have to give it my off I want to win this, and I swear that I will win this in the end because I'm the best."

Deku smiles after hearing Bakugou talk about being the best like always.


"Well it was nice chatting with you but I think I should head back to my seat, but I'll be cheering you on."


"Whatever Deku."

As Deku threw away his empty drink in the trash he proceeded to walk away, Vanessa was doing that a few more other students past him and went up to Bakugou, Deku turned around and saw this and gave off a little smirk.

~Deku's mind~

"Kacchan you really are the best and I'm happy that you are."

Deku then finally left and went straight back to his seat, the third and final event finally started and it was about it between two students, each of the flights were very great but there was one fight that ended when it started, the winner of that fight was a student with purple hair and was named Shinso and it was also said that he was part of the general department, another fight began with him and Todoroki, but in the end he won first started, Deku began getting a bit confused on how he was winning without even touching them, suddenly it was fun the final battle between Bakugou and Shinso, but when the fight begin Bakugou suddenly turned around and began to walk to the end of the arena, but Deku wasn't going to sit there and see this, so he gets up from his seat and quickly runs over to the edge of the of the seating area.



Suddenly when Bakugou was about to step out of the Ring super games his consciousness again and turned around to face Shinso.


"You think you could take over my mind and get away with it you damn bastard."

~Shinso's mind~

"What?, He was nearly there, I was going to win."

Shinso look at the direction where he heard that scream and saw deku.

~Shinso's mind~

"It was him, he must have done something to stop him from stepping out of the ring."


"Hey, let's get this over with."

Shinso knew that he couldn't couldn't beat Bakugou in a fight even if he tried, so he did the one thing he could do, he put both of his hands up.


"I give up."

Bakugou stops approaching him from hearing Shinso say that, the teachers then declare Bakugou the winner of the sports festival and gave second to Shinso and third place to Todoroki, but as Bakugou stood at the podium he looked over at the direction where he heard Deku call out to him.

~Bakugou's mind~

"I can't believe that damn nerd was the one to actually save me."

As a sports festival came to an end Deku begin walking out of the stadium within happy look on his face, but as he was leaving he saw his phone vibrate in his pocket, so you reached in and pulled it out, he opened his screen and was shocked to see that the hero Ingenium was paralyzed by the hero killer, so he began reading to see what happened but while he was reading he saw that they finally got a clear picture of the hero Killers identity, and once Deku finally saw who the hero killer was he dropped his phone which landed on the backside.


"S-sensei it was you, it was always you."

~To be continued~

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