Deku's Motives

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Deku and Mei kept testing out her inventions and his new outfit all the way until the afternoon, they took a short break and had some food that Mei prepared for the both of them to enjoy, but as they eating together Mei open your mouth and asked Deku very serious question.


"So why did you want to be a vigilante?"

From being asked that question Deku stopped what he was doing, replace his chopsticks down and took a deep breath.


"Well to answer your question, I really never wanted to be a vigilante."


"Really, then what did you want to be?"


"I actually wanted to be a pro Hero and attend UA."


"Why didn't you?"


"Because I am quirkless."


"Hold on a minute, so you're telling me that you have no quirk at all?"


"Y-yes, I really don't have a quirk."




"How is that interesting?"


"Well a lot of my babies are built for people that do you have quirks, so which means that I have to work twice as hard to make some brand new babies that will help you have an advantage with the people that do have quirks."


"So you're going to work that hard for me?"


"Yeah, I am your partner after all."

Deku smiles knowing that he has a dedicated partner that will help him out in any way she could.


"I appreciate it very much Hatsume, I'm glad you're my partner."


"Haha, and I appreciate you giving my babies a little test run."


"You're welcome, I guess."

After Deku and Mei finish talking they continue eating until there was no more food, which then made the both of them continue what they were doing, after a few hours have passed Deku has tested half of the inventions that Mei have built but he was nowhere near finish testing out the rest of them, this carried on until the evening, Deku laid on the ground breathing heavily and win over to him and look down at him.


"So you think you can test out some more of my babies?"


"I-I'm sorry Hatsume, I don't think I can."


"Awww that's too bad, I was hoping this will last until midnight, but I think we could stop right here for now, you did a great job today."




"Now let's pack up and go get some dinner."

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