The Crow And The Canary

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After a few days have passed Deku returned to the streets as The Crow but with a new outfit and some brand new equipment that helps him a lot more, but during his return the police have have been on patrol searching for him every night which he should be worried about but luckily he has eyes in the sky watching over him, as Deku was out on the streets Mei was in the base controlling her robotic Canary to watch over him and also feed him information about criminals that are in the area with an earpiece that she gave him.


"Canary, do you have any further information about the criminal we are locating."


"Oh I sure do, and it looks like that he's in the area at the moment."




"He's five blocks head of you and it looks like he's staying inside of a small hotel."


"Okay thanks."


"Anytime, now go get them tiger."


"Ha, all right I will, over and out."

Deku then proceeded to run through the rooftops until he was on top of a building across from the hotel where Mei told him where the criminal was located, he reached behind his jacket and pulled out a binocular that Mai made him, he looks through it and begins to observe the building of the hotel, while observing the building he notices that one room still had their lights on, he zooms in with his binocular and sees the criminal he's been locating.


"There you are."

Deku sees that the criminal is working on something so he zooms in a bit further and sees that thing he was working on was a homemade bomb.


"Canary are you seeing this?"


"I sure am."


"Do you think you can get close to his window and listen to what he's doing?"


"I sure can and I can even connect you to listening as well."


"All right do it."

Mei then flies her Canary close to the window and purched itself on an AC connected to the window, now that the canary was in place Mei then connected Deku's earpiece which made the both of them listen in to the criminal's room.


"Those damn heroes they're going to pay for what they did to me, once I finish making this bomb I'll send to that stupid agency they working, and when they open it they're going to get one hell of a surprise."

Mei and Deku were shocked to hear his dastardly plan that he had for the heroes.


"This guy's insane."


"Yeah he is, but I'll put it into it."

Deku then puts his binocular back where it was, after that he reaches down to his right thigh and unholsters a grappling hook, he aims it way above the hotel's rooftop and shoots, once the hook traveled all the way from that distance it then managed to land on top of the rooftop, after that Deku begin to retract the hook until it hit the ledge of the rooftop which he then proceed to run off the rooftop he was on and swings straight towards the criminal's window where you burst through from, from Deku crashing through the window the criminal jumps out of his chair and is shocked to see him.


"Wh-who are you!?"


"I'm The Crow and I'm here to put you to Justice."


"Go-good luck with that!"

Suddenly a scorpion tail burst behind the criminal's backside and strike that Deku, but as the tip of the tail was heading straight towards him Deku pulled out his poster and managed to hit it upwards.


"Stop this right now and no one will get hurt."



The criminal then began to strike even faster with his scorpion tail but Deku manage to deflect all of his strikes with his bo staff, after deflecting for quite a while Deku finally found an opening and rushed straight towards the criminal and detached his bo staff to equip his shock batons which he managed lined a strike on the criminals chest which sent votes of electricity running through his body until he fell unconscious, after that fight Deku pulled out some thick wire which he then began to tie on to the criminal, after that Mei contacted the police to head to the hotel, once that was finished Deku grabbed onto his grappling hook that was hanging from the window and began to retract it which launched him upwards to the rooftops, as he was up there he began to run far away from the hotel, when he was far enough he began to catch.


"Good work back there."




"Hey Midoriya I have some valuable information that might involve the league of villains."


"What do you know?"


"Well when I was testing out my new Canary, I managed heard two people talking about a bar that doesn't allow anyone in."


"Hmm, so do you think that bar could have anything to do with the league of villains?"


"Perhaps, but I have no clue, what do you think we should do?"


"We'll check it out to see if there's anything suspicious at all."


"All right, so will this be another night mission?"


"No we'll do this in the daytime, the league of villains won't be expecting that."



With Deku now knowing a location where the league of villains could be hiding out, he was getting close to avenging his sensei.

~To be continued~

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