We Meet Again

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After what Deku told Bakugou he began explaining the reason why, once he did everyone was so shocked, they couldn't believe that the villains started all this just to capture Bakugou, so now knowing all of this Bakugou was now going to be protected by the others which Deku trusted them to do, but just in case Deku went on ahead ahead to see if there might be villains waiting to ambush them, when he did that he told Mei to watch over Bakugou and the others with the canary which she was happy to do, as Deku was running through the forest he suddenly hurt yelling, he looked up and saw a girl flying through the air, so with no hesitation Deku bet his knees and leaped into the air which managed to launch him high enough to grab her in his arms, when she was in his arms she opened her eyes and looked Deku's masked face, Deku gently landed on the ground and placed the girl he just saved back on her feet.


"Are you okay?"


"Y-yeah I am, who are you?"


"I'm the crow, I'm here to help."


"Oh I see, thank you for coming."

As Deku looked at her he noticed that her arm was cut, so he reached into one of his pouches and pulled out a roll of bandages would she then grabbed her arm and placed on the palm of her hand.


"Here take this, it'll stop the bleeding."


"Oh thank you, but my friend she's in danger right now I need to go back and save her."


"No you stay here I'll go up ahead and save her, and don't worry a group of your classmates are heading this way as we speak, so just stay put and bandage that cut on your arm."


"Okay I will."


"Good now tell me which direction your friend is?"


"She's just up ahead."


"Thank you."

Deku then proceeded to run towards the direction Uraraka point it up without seeing anything else, he soon arrived at the location and saw a girl that was stuck onto a tree and another girl that that pinned her against the tree, the girl that was pinning the other girl against the tree suddenly pulled out a knife and was about to stab her but Deku pulled out his grappling hook and shot straight towards her, once the grappling hook got close to her it then wrapped around her right wrist where she held the knife, she took notice of right away.


"What the."

Deku then pulls the cord which makes Toga get off of the girl she had pinned, as Toga was being pulled off she turned her head and saw Deku behind her, so with her left hand she grabs two knives that were holstered onto her left thigh and flung them behind her which weekend flying straight towards Deku's direction, as he saw the knives coming straight towards him he had no choice but to let go of the grappling hook the bent backwards to dodge them, once he did that he then saw the night fly straight past him which allowed him to extend them straight again, but once he did that Toga rushed him with some slashes Deku managed to dodging quick succession, Deku quickly does a backflip to kick the knife out of her hand and to get some distance away from her, once you did he stood up straight and pulled out his bo staff, but as Deku did that he saw that Toga was just staring there looking at him instead of rushing him again.

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