The Crow VS The Hero Killer

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As Deku was running on the rooftops he noticed all of the monsters that were attacking the city he wanted to lend a hand to help the heroes but he couldn't, he needed to find Stain right away before before he could kill another Hero, but as he was running through the rooftops he suddenly remembered where the murders will usually take place, so he continued running through the rooftops near some alleyways, and while he was running he saw Stain about to execute a hero, so Deku grabbed two smoke grenades which he then pulls the pins and threw them straight towards him, as soon as he threw them the red smoke started to come out as it was still in the air, stain notices this and see something coming from the smoke, suddenly Deku's bo staff come flying straight towards Stain, who he acts quickly and deflects the bo staff by hitting it upwards but little did he know that he just gave Deku his weapon back, Deku grabs his bow stuff as he what's falling straight downwards towards stain.



Stain looks up and notices Deku coming straight towards him, he was already so close that there was no way for Stain to either dodge or block his attack, so as soon Deku clear shot of Stain he strike downwards with his bo staff, as Deku was about to hit him but stain raises up his left arm to take the hit, once the bo staff hits his arm it completely fractures it which makes his left arm unable to move, from being hit he quickly backs away, Deku land on the ground safely in front of the hero he was about to kill.


"So you actually came after me."


"Of course I did and this time I will stop you."


"We'll see about that."

Deku and Stain then run straight to each other and begin attacking one another with everything they got, Deku used his bo staff to attack and block block attacks as well, but as Stain was fighting he was only able to attack with his right arm which he held his sword, he couldn't move his left arm due to it being fractured from that hit earlier, so he had to rely on his right arm to attack and block, but as they were fighting each other the hero that Deku saved from being killed was watching them.

~Iida's mind~

"W-who is that person and how did they know that the hero killer was here?, But that doesn't matter now, I need to get back up and defeat him for my brother or else I won't be worthy for the name Ingenium."

As Iida was trying to get back up on his feet Stain notices and quickly backs away from Deku, he then places his sword down to his side and grabs one of the knives from his left side and throws it at Deku as he was running straight towards him, but it easily dodged it by turning his body sideways, but as the knife was flying straight past Deku he noticed that it was heading towards the direction of the hairy saved, as Iida was struggling to get up you raised his head up and noticed the knife was coming straight towards his head.


"No this can't be the end, I must avenge my brother, if I don't then the name Ingenium will die with me."

But it was no use he couldn't get up at all so he closes his eyes and waits for the knife to plunge his skull.

~Iida's mind~

"I'm sorry Tensei, I'm sorry mother, and I'm sorry to all of my classmates, it was nice having all of you as my classmates, I wish I could see you once again."

As the knife was about to plunge into Iida's head he suddenly felt something what it is face, he opened his eyes and is surprised to see the knife that was about to hit him sticking out of the back side of a hand, Iida slowly turns his head towards the left side and sees the same person that was fighting Stain save him once again, as he was staying at him he noticed that that he was in pain from the knife lodging into his hand.

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