The Wanted Vigilante

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A few weeks have passed since Deku returned to the streets as The Crow, and in each night he ended up capturing bad guys and leaving them for the police to pick them up, but as he kept doing that the police and heroes started to notice him a bit more, some of the police officers and heroes were seeing him as a Ally but the others were seeing him as a threat, Deku notices that in the news but he doesn't pay it no mind, instead he keeps doing what he was trained to do and fights in the shadows like Stain trained him to do, Deku was on a rooftop on his own looking over the city that he is usually in.


"It's another cool night again, but that doesn't mean they won't be any crime tonight."

A few minutes later Deku heard a woman cry out for help, so he started to run on top of the rooftop straight towards way he heard the scream, he made it just in time to see two thugs cornering a woman in an alley, he jumps down right behind the thugs and pulls out his bo staff.


"That's enough you too!"

The two thugs turn around but instead of putting their fist up to fight they reached into their jackets and pull out a gun.

~Undercover cop 1~

"Freeze!, Where the police don't move a muscle or else we'll shoot!"

And right at that moment Deku realize that this was a trap set by the police.


"Wait I'm on your side!"

~Undercover cop 1~

"No you're not, what you are as a criminal, being a vigilante is illegal so I suggest you get on your knees with your hands behind your head."

Deku didn't listen to the orders that the cop gave him, instead he began mapping out a way out to escape from the police, so he quickly reaches inside of his jacket and pulls out a smoke grenade and throws it straight towards them, one of the cops ended up shooting the grenade which started to spare it out red smoke right in front of them,  as a smoke begin to block their vision Deku begin jumping side to side on the Alley walls until he made it back to the rooftop.

~Undercover cop 2~

"(Coughing) the vigilantes has gone up to the rooftop."


"Copy that."

As Deku was running on top of the rooftop to get away from the police he ended up hearing something, he turns around and sees a helicopter flying straight towards him.


"Oh no."

Deku began to run even faster to try to outrun that helicopter, but it was too fast and managed to keep up with him, the helicopter even signed a light on him so they won't be able to lose him, as the helicopter was on pursuit of him, Deku begin thinking of a way to try to shake this helicopter off of him, but as he was doing that he didn't notice that there was a police officer sitting on the edge of the helicopter with a loaded rifle aimed at him.


"Do you have a shot on the target?"

~Police officer~

"Not yet so just keep following him."


"Roger that."

Deku couldn't think of anything to try to shake off this helicopter, instead he just continued running on the rooftops, but as Deku was running he saw that that the building ahead of him had a big gap, but that didn't stop him from running, so he begins sprinting so he could get enough speed to jump towards the other building that was ahead of him, as soon as his right foot stepped onto the leg of the building can meet up into the air, a when he jumped into the air he knew that he was going to make it but in that moment as he was in the air he heard a bang and felt something go through his shoulder, after that he ended up falling into the alleyway that was between the two buildings.

~Police officer~

"I got the target."


"Good I'll find a safe spot to land so we can pick him up."

As the helicopter flew away Deku was on a pile of garbage bags what the bullet wound in the shoulder, the bullet wound hurts so much that didn't want to move at all.


"D-damn it, I-I have to get up and get out of here now, or else they'll get me."

Deku managed to lift his body up out of the garbage and on to the ground, he leaned his body against the alley walls and started to walk, but each time he moved forward he felt the blood from his shoulder wound leaking out onto his arm and dripping from his fingertips.


"I-I need to keep moving, I can't l-let them catch me."

As Deku saw the way out of the alley he's vision suddenly started to get a bit blurry.


"I'm almost there."

As Deku took a few more steps he suddenly lost balance and started to fall to the ground, but as he was falling he saw glimpse of a figure walking past the alley which made him open his mouth.


"Help... me..."

Once Deku fell to the ground the figure that he saw turned their head and saw his body, they run over towards him and gets on their knee.


"Oh my gosh are you all right?"

The person notices the bullet wound on Deku's left shoulder."


"You been shot and judging by the the size of the bullet wound it has to be from a rifle."

As soon as that person said that they suddenly heard sirens heading their way, the person knew that they shouldn't get involved but they suddenly heard a faint voice coming from Deku, the person leans down towards him.


"Help... me..."

From hearing that the person couldn't just leave now, so the person put Deku's right I'm over their shoulder and started carrying him, but as they were leaving they noticed his bo staff and picked it up, after that the person began caring Deku away from the place he was laying at, a few minutes later the police arrived at the place where Deku was at but couldn't find a trace of him, Deku and the person that saved him we're long gone from there already and near the apartment complex that they live in.


"Okay I'm going to patch you up, then I'm going to see what else I can do for you because judging by that gear you have I think you might need some of my babies to help you out now."

~To be continued~

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