To The Rescue

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As Deku was running through the forest, Mei was flying above it with her Canary, as Mei flew around she kept her eyes open to see if there were any villains that were ahead of him, but I as she was flying she suddenly heard a scream, she looked towards the area where she heard the scream and zoomed in with one of the canaries eyes, she suddenly spotted a big man wearing a cloak but that wasn't the only thing she saw, Mei saw a little boy looking up at that big man with fear.


"Hey Midoriya do you copy?"


"Yeah I'm here, what's going on?"


"Well I just saw a big guy and a little kid on a side of a mountain."


"What!?, Could that big guy be part of the league of villains?"


"I don't know but you should get there quickly before anything bad happens to that kid, I'll fly ahead and try to distracting that guy from the kid."


"Okay be careful."


"I will."

Mei quickly flew towards where she saw the two, has she got close she suddenly saw the big man ready to punch the kid, but right when he was about to punch him Mei's Canary shoots out two cables from the side of its head attaches themselves onto his arm, Mei then pressed a button on her controls and sent out electricity through the cables, which managed to stop the villain from punching the kid, but as electricity was going through his arm he suddenly grabs the cables with his left hand and pulls them out, as soon as he pulled out the cables Mei quickly detached the cables from the Canary.


"What the hell is this?"

Muscular began looking around to see who shot him but didn't see anyone due to Mei flying the Canary above him.


"So yourself or else I'll kill this kid."

At first Mei thought he was bluffing about that, but when muscular density anyone reveal themselves he picked up the kid by his throat and began squeezing, Mei then quickly reacted and flew straight down towards him, as soon as Mei got close to Muscular's face she began flying around him and packing at him as well, from doing that he let's go of the kid.


"What the hell a bird!?"

Muscular tried swatting the Canary away from his face but since Mei was in control of it there was no way for him to hit the Canary while in the air.


"Haha, this guy can't even lay a finger on on a single feather."

But I don't know where muscular then grabs the canary in his bare hands which shocks Mei, she tried to break free from his grip but it was way too strong, but as he was holding the canary he noticed that it wasn't an ordinary bird.


"What the hell, this bird is not really an action or bird, well whatever I can just crush this thing and it won't bother me anymore."

Muscula's grip began to get tighter around the Canary, but as he was squeezing the Canary Mei had a trick up her sleeve, Mei precious of button which makes the canarie's beak open and shoot out a large beam of light towards his eyes which makes him let go, but as soon as the Canary was released Mei saw Deku in the air with his bo staff in his hands, as Deku spun in the air he then hit muscular behind the head which causes him to fall to his knees, after that Deku landed right in front of him and proceeded to hit muscular in the head with the bo staff over and over again, until Muscular grabbed onto Deku's bo staff.


"You're going to pay for that."

As he was aiming to punch Deku in the face, he quickly twisted the bo staff and detached it to make them into batons, Deku then quickly went under and hit muscular under his chin, but as soon as he did that Deku pressed the the button that was on the baton which sent out 200 bolts of electricity, Deku how old is baton up to his chin for at least a minute until he fell to the ground what steam coming off this body, as Deku stood over Muscular's unconscious body he then connected the two batons which he then placed behind his back after that he turned around and saw the kid that him and Mei just saved, Deku goes up to him and puts out his left hand to help him up.


"Are you all right?"


"Y-yeah thank you for saving me."


"Now let me take you to somewhere safer."



Deku then picked up Kota, but before he he left the area he looked back at Mei's Canary.


"Tie up this Villain at once, we can't have him getting away."


"You got it Crow."

As Deku left with Kota on his back Mei's Canary began wrapping a thick wiring that shot out from its rear around musculars arms and legs, after that Mei then flew towards the direction Deku went to.

~To be continued~

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