Teacher VS Student

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After hearing about happened to Ingenium and the identity of the hero killer being revealed Deku quickly rushed over to the base to find and confront stain, but as he was heading to the base he began thinking about the time he spent with Stain and how he didn't see it sooner at the same person he called since it was also the person killing heroes, he arrived at the base when the sun was setting.



As soon as you said that Stain from above and landed straight behind him, Deku quickly reacted and begin turning his whole body to perform a sideways kick on his head, as it was about to connect Stain grabs his ankle which stops him.


"What are you doing here I thought you asked for the day off?"

Deku stared at him with hatred in his eyes could not knowing that the same man that time everything he knows was the hero killer.


"I know who you truly are and I know what you do!"


"I guess my secret is exposed now."

With Stain still holding on to Deku's ankle he pushed them away.


"So tell me what are you going to do about it?"


"I'm going to stop you."


"Is that so?"




"Then bring it on."

Deku quickly began rushing towards Stain and begin starting his attacks with some kicks, but Stain managed to block and evade them like they were nothing, so Deku switch to the attack to fist but even trying that he still managed to block and evade them with ease, but as Deku began throwing kicks and punches towards Stain he finally noticed that throughout the fight he wasn't even trying to fight back instead kept standing on the same spot and only blocked and dodged the attacks, so Deku backed away to try to figure out a new tactic.

~Deku's mind~

"I beat him before and I know how he fights, but every time I try to attack him he ends up blocking on evading them, I need to figure out a way to stop him and quickly."


"If you're trying to figure out a way to stop me just give up."

~Deku's mind~

"How did he know?"


"I could tell by the stupid look on your face, and trust me the smart choice here is to walk away, but if you continue this I will end up hurting you."


"I can't..., I can't just back down when you're right here in front of me, I will stop you even if it kills me!"

And with the blink of an eye Stain was right in front of Deku's face with an intense look in his eyes.


"So you're actually willing to give up your own life just to stop me huh?"

And with an instant Stain knees Deku in his stomach which makes him fly across the room, as Deku was trying to pick himself up he ended up throwing up from being kneed in the stomach.


"Get up."

Deku managed to pick himself up and stand on his own two feet again, heathen begins to get in his fighting stance, but as soon as he did that Stain quickly rushed over to him and punched him across the face which knocks him off his feet and land on the ground again.


"Get up."

Deku spits out a bit of blood and still manages to get back on his feet again, Stain then rust over towards him again to land another punch on his face but as soon as he did that turn the other way to avoid it and manage to land his fist on to Stain's, but Deku notice that his punch had no effect towards him, so Stain grabbed his wrist and began squeezing which made Deku scream out of pain, as soon as he stops screaming he's stared into Stain's eyes and was completely filled with fear.


"You're pathetic."

Stain then head butted Deku which made him fall to the ground once again, Stain then grabbed the handle of his sword and pulled it out, erased it up to his head and began to get ready to stop downwards towards Deku which he noticed and against tearing up from thinking about the memories of when he saw Stain has the only person that believed in him, with no hesitation Stain plunge to sword downwards towards his head, Deku closest ice and accepts his fate, but as Stain plunge to sword downwards Deku opened his eyes and turned them to the left side and noticed that his sword was was on the left side of his face, which makes Deku turns his eyes towards Stain's face.


"W-why?, Why didn't you kill me?"


"Because you were a pathetic weakling, you never had a chance against me, even in our training I was holding back, especially in the final test, I let you win and I don't even know why though, I pathetic weekly like you deserve to die, but sadly I would not do that because my blade doesn't need your blood."

Stain pulled his blade from the ground and placed it onto his back, he then he then proceeds to walk away from Deku, but he managed to get it back his strength and pick himself up for one last time.




"What do you want?"


"Why are y-you doing this?


"Because those who called himself heroes are nothing but fakes, the only true hero around is All Might, and he is the only one that I allowed to kill me, so I will tell you this now, if you dare come after me I would not hesitate to kill you even if you are my own student, now if you don't mind I have important matters to attend to."

Stain then managed to completely walk away from Deku, but as he was leaving he didn't notice that Deku was shutting tears.



~To be continued~

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