The Unknown Vigilante

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After a month everyone knew about an unknown vigilante named The Crow, he was talked about very frequently due to him stopping criminals that the heroes couldn't get, everyone was very curious on who he was, but there was nothing about his true identity the only thing they did know that each time a criminal was stopped people could hear the call of a crow.

~Goon Warehouse~

~Goon 1~

"Come on hurry up load those weapons in those trucks, you got to get him out of here now."

~Goon 2~

"Why you scared the crow might show up?"

~Goon 1~

"Hell no, if that bastard shows up then I'll blow his head off."

~Goon 2~

"That's what everyone says until they're in the back of a cop car."

~Goon 1~

"Yeah whatever, just keep loading up those crates."

As the goons continued loading up the trucks with the crates of weapons, Deku was inside the warehouse inside the warehouse sneaking above them, he gently on top of a box and begin sneaking around in the shadows, one by one he began taking it down armed the goons,  with half of the goons he noticed that the rest were by the trucks, he counted six in total and saw that two of them had weapons and the rest were unarmed, so he reached into his jacket and pulled out a smoke grenade, all the pen and gently rolled it to them, once it was in front of the two armed goons Sparks begin to come out from the bottom of it which made it spin and spread the red smoke even faster, once the smoke with clouding their vision Deku quickly ran into the smoke holding his bo staff and began taking out the armed goons first, he then proceeded to take out the other goons with his bo staff, once they were taken care of the red smoke began to go away, and standing over the unconscious goons was Deku with his bo staff, but as he was standing there he didn't notice that someone had him in his sights.

~Goon 3~

"I got you now you son of a bitch."

Has lagoon was about to pull the trigger scope he was aiming through suddenly was blocked, he knows the hand was blocking it and turned his head to the left and saw Stain, and with the blink of an eye his throat was slit, after Stain dealt with the goon he proceeded to go over to Deku.




"Oh hi sensei, I didn't expect you to join me."


"It's a good thing that I did because you would have been dead where you were standing right now."




"There was a sniper above and he had you in his sights, but I took care of him before he can pull the trigger."


"T-thank sensei, I guess there is still a lot of things I need to learn."


"Yes there is, but for now we should go the police will be here soon."


"Yes sensei."

Deku and Stan then head out of the Warehouse proceeded to head to the rooftops, as they're running farther from the warehouse they began hearing sirens heading to that direction, which show that it was a successful mission, so they continued running until they made it back to their base, after hours of running late made it back.

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