You Are The Crow

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After Deku finally completed his training with Stain, he was finally able to go out and be a vigilante, but before you could be one he needed a outfit to conceal his identity, so you looked in his closet and found an old black Jackie, so gray pants and even a black bandana to cover his mouth, he even found some old worn out sneakers that he still had, he packed all those clothes in a duffel bag and proceeded to go meet up with Stain at the same location where they trained, but as he was about to step out of the door his mom called out his name.


"Izuku are you going out?"


"Y-yeah I am, I'll be back later."


"Okay be safe."


"I will."

Deku then stepped out of his apartment and proceeded to head to the train station, as he was on the train he began thinking about how he is lying to his mom on what he's truly doing, but no matter what he has to keep his training and his vigilante work a secret even to his own mom, if anyone knew what he was doing then something bad can happen to those close to him, after finally arriving at the location he went up to the rooftop to meet up with Stain, once Deku was on the rooftop he saw Stain standing on the edge of the building and looking towards the city.


"Sensei I'm finally here."


"Good, did you bring something to conceal your identity?"


"Y-yes I did."

Deku put his duffel bag on the ground and proceeded to show the clothing he chose to stain, he went over to see his clothing and saw that it was quite simple.


"This clothing will be good enough I guess, as long as your face is covered then there won't be any problems."


"Right, I'll go change into these close right now."

Deku went back inside and proceeded to change into the clothes he chose, the clothes he came in with he proceeded to stuff them into the duffel bag and put it in a safe place, after that he came back to the rooftop.


"All right I'm ready to go."


"I know you're eager to start, but you can't go in without the weapon."

Stain the other side of the rooftop and began coming back holding rectangular case, he placed it on the ledge and proceeded to open it, and once it was finally open Deku's eyes widen to see a custom made bo staff.


"This is.."


"Your weapon, this is a gift to you from me for all your hard work."

Deku was in a loss of words so instead of saying thank you he hugged Stain which he didn't expect to happen, but he embraced it, Deku let's go of Stain and picks up his new bo staff.


"Now that you have an outfit and a weapon all that is needed is your name."


"A name?"


"Yes, you don't want people to know your real name do you?"


"No I don't, so what will be my nam?"


"The Crow."


"The Crow?"


"Yes, and the reason behind it was because after your final test a crow appeared behind you, at first thought I didn't assume anything, but once I saw you leave the same crow that I saw behind you began following you, after that I haven't seen it since, and now that you are here before me I think that's a name that is perfect for you."


"The Crow huh, I like it."


"Good, let us begin spreading the name of The Crow."


"Yes sensei, they will know the name of The Crow and his heroic motives."


"I'm hoping so, now into the city we go."

Stain and Deku proceeded to jump through rooftops to get to the city, while they were doing that a lone Crow proceeded to fly after them.

~To Be Continued~

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